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Showing words for LIGHTENING using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Lightening

enlighting, lightening

9 Letter Words for Lightening

eightling, inlighten, lightning

8 Letter Words for Lightening

geniting, gentling, ghenting, glenting, glinting, leniting, lighting, neighing, nighting, tingeing, tingling

7 Letter Words for Lightening

enlight, gentiin, getling, gingeli, heiling, henting, hilting, hinging, hinting, ingenit, lenging, lighten, lignite, lithing, nighing, nightie, nithing, tinging

6 Letter Words for Lightening

egling, engilt, gentil, gieing, giglet, gilgie, gilten, gingle, ginnel, ginnet, ginnle, heling, heting, hieing, higgle, hingle, ignite, ingent, ingine, inline, intine, length, liggen, lignin, linget, lining, linnet, linten, lintie, liting, nigget, niggle, ningle, tiling, tingle, tining, tinnie

5 Letter Words for Lightening

ehing, eight, elint, engin, enlit, genii, genin, genit, gighe, gilet, gleit, glenn, glent, glint, hinge, ingle, inlet, innet, innit, intel, intil, intnl, legin, legit, lenin, lenth, lenti, ligge, light, ligne, linen, linge, linie, linin, lithe, lithi, neigh, night, nihil, ninth, thegn, thein, thine, thing, tinge, tingi

4 Letter Words for Lightening

eigh, elhi, engl, gein, geit, genl, gent, gheg, gien, gile, gilt, ging, ginn, gite, gith, gleg, glei, glen, glit, heii, heil, heli, heng, hent, higi, hile, hili, hilt, hine, hing, hint, htel, ilth, init, inne, inti, intl, itel, leng, lent, lgth, lien, lige, liin, line, ling, linn, lint, lite, lith, liti, nein, neth, neti, nigh, nile, nine, tegg, teil, teli, teng, then, thig, thin, tien, tige, tile, tine, ting

3 Letter Words for Lightening

egg, eli, elt, eng, enl, eth, gel, gen, get, gie, gig, gin, git, glt, gte, hei, hel, hen, het, hgt, hie, hin, hit, igg, ign, ihi, ile, ing, inn, int, leg, lei, let, lie, lig, lin, lit, neg, nei, net, nie, nig, nil, nit, nne, nth, teg, tel, ten, tgn, the, tie, tig, til, tin, tln, tng

Definitions for Lightening

[1] the descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity, occurring toward the end of pregnancy, changing the contour of the abdomen and facilitating breathing by lessening pressure under the diaphragm.
[2] to become lighter or less dark; brighten: The sky lightened after the storm.
[3] to brighten or light up, as the eyes or features: Her face lightened when she heard the good news.
[4] to flash as or like lightning (often used impersonally with it as subject): It thundered and lightened for hours.
[5] Archaic . to shine, gleam, or be bright: steel blades lightening in the sun.
[6] to give light to; illuminate: A full moon lightened the road.
[7] to brighten (the eyes, features, etc.): A large smile lightened his face.
[8] to make lighter or less dark: Add white to lighten the paint.
[9] Obsolete . enlighten.
[10] Obsolete . to flash or emit like lightning (usually followed by out, forth, or down ): eyes that lightened forth implacable hatred.
[11] to make lighter in weight: to lighten the load on a truck.
[12] to lessen the load of or upon: to lighten a cargo ship.
[13] to make less burdensome or oppressive; alleviate; mitigate: to lighten taxes; to lighten someone's cares.
[14] to cheer or gladden: Such news lightens my heart.
[15] to become less severe, stringent, or harsh; ease up: Border inspections have lightened recently.
[16] to become less heavy, cumbersome, burdensome, oppressive, etc.: His worries seem to have lightened somewhat.
[17] to become less gloomy; perk up: People's spirits usually lighten when spring arrives.
[18] obstetrics the sensation, experienced by many women late in pregnancy when the head of the fetus enters the pelvis, of a reduction in pressure on the diaphragm, making it easier to breathe
[19] to become or make light
[20] (intr) to shine; glow
[21] (intr) (of lightning) to flash
[22] (tr) an archaic word for enlighten
[23] to make or become less heavy
[24] to make or become less burdensome or oppressive; mitigate
[25] to make or become more cheerful or lively

Words related to Lightening

brighten, mitigate, dilute, facilitate, ease, relieve, lessen, alleviate, mollify, ameliorate, shine, irradiate, light, flash, illume, gleam, reduce, decrease, allay, levitate

Words nearby Lightening

light-year, lightboard, lightboat, lighten, lighten up, lightening, lighter, lighter fluid, lighter than air, lighter-than-air, lighterage

Origin of Lightening

21350–1400; Middle English lightnen; see light2, -en1

Words that may be confused with Lightening

lightening, lightning

Other words from Lightening

light·en·er , noun

Synonyms for Lightening

brighten, light up, flash, gleam, illume, irradiate, light, shine, become light, make bright