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Showing words for LIMPID using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Limpid
5 Letter Words for Limpid
4 Letter Words for Limpid
3 Letter Words for Limpid
Definitions for Limpid
[1] clear, transparent, or pellucid, as water, crystal, or air: We could see to the very bottom of the limpid pond.
[2] free from obscurity; lucid; clear: a limpid style; limpid prose.
[3] completely calm; without distress or worry: a limpid, emotionless existence.
[4] clear or transparent
[5] (esp of writings, style, etc) free from obscurity
[6] calm; peaceful
Words related to Limpid
bright, comprehensible, definite, distinct, filmy, intelligible, lucid, obvious, pellucid, perspicuous, pure, thin, translucent, transparent, unambiguous, crystalline, see-through, crystal-clear, luculent, transpicuous
Words nearby Limpid
limousine liberal, limp, limp wrist, limp-wristed, limpet, limpid, limpkin, limpopo, limpsy, limulus, limulus-lysate test
Origin of Limpid
First recorded in 1605–15, limpid is from the Latin word limpidus clear. See lymph, -id4
Other words from Limpid
lim·pid·i·ty , lim·pid·ness , noun
lim·pid·ly , adverb
Word origin for Limpid
C17: from French limpide, from Latin limpidus clear
Synonyms for Limpid
bright, comprehensible, crystal-clear, crystalline, definite, distinct, filmy, intelligible, lucid, luculent, obvious, pellucid, perspicuous, pure, see-through, thin, translucent, transparent, transpicuous, unambiguous