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Showing words for LINEAR using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Linear

aliner, aniler, enrail, lainer, lanier, larine, linear, nailer, renail

5 Letter Words for Linear

alien, anile, ariel, elain, irena, laine, larin, learn, liane, linea, liner, neral, raile, raine, ranli, reina, renal

4 Letter Words for Linear

aiel, aile, aine, aire, airn, alen, alin, anil, anre, aren, aril, arle, arni, earl, earn, eila, eira, elan, eral, eria, erin, iare, ilea, iran, laen, laer, lain, lair, lane, lare, lari, larn, lean, lear, leir, lena, liar, lien, lier, lina, line, lira, lire, nael, nail, nale, nare, neal, near, nile, nirl, rail, rain, rale, rane, real, rean, rein, rial, riel, rile, rine

3 Letter Words for Linear

aer, ail, ain, air, ale, aln, ane, are, arn, ean, ear, eir, ela, eli, enl, era, ern, ile, ira, ire, lai, lan, lar, lea, lei, ler, lie, lin, lir, lnr, nae, nar, nea, nei, nie, nil, rai, ran, rea, rei, rel, ria, rie, rin, rle, rna

Definitions for Linear

[1] of, consisting of, or using lines: linear design.
[2] pertaining to or represented by lines: linear dimensions.
[3] extended or arranged in a line: a linear series.
[4] involving measurement in one dimension only; pertaining to length: linear measure.
[5] of or relating to the characteristics of a work of art in which forms and rhythms are defined chiefly in terms of line.
[6] having the form of or resembling a line: linear nebulae.
[7] Mathematics . consisting of, involving, or describable by terms of the first degree. having the same effect on a sum as on each of the summands: a linear operation.
[8] Electronics . delivering an output that is directly proportional to the input: a linear circuit; a linear amplifier.
[9] threadlike; narrow and elongated: a linear leaf.
[10] of, in, along, or relating to a line
[11] of or relating to length
[12] resembling, represented by, or consisting of a line or lines
[13] having one dimension
[14] designating a style in the arts, esp painting, that obtains its effects through line rather than colour or light and in which the edges of forms and planes are sharply defined Compare painterly
[15] maths of or relating to the first degree a linear equation
[16] narrow and having parallel edges a linear leaf
[17] electronics (of a circuit, etc) having an output that is directly proportional to input linear amplifier having components arranged in a line

Words related to Linear

precise, limited, slim, definite, precarious, slender, tight, cramped, thin, small, short, straightforward, solid, smooth, successive, consecutive, nonstop, true, continuous, exclusive

Words nearby Linear

linea alba, linea nigra, lineage, lineal, lineament, linear, linear a, linear accelerator, linear algebra, linear atrophy, linear b

Origin of Linear

First recorded in 1635–45, linear is from the Latin word līneāris of, belonging to lines. See line1, -ar1

Other words from Linear

lin·e·ar·ly , adverb
non·lin·e·ar , adjective
sub·lin·e·ar , adjective

Word origin for Linear

C17: from Latin līneāris of or by means of lines

Synonyms for Linear

cramped, definite, limited, precarious, precise, slender, slim, small, thin, tight, attenuated, circumscribed, close, compressed, confining, constricted, contracted, exclusive, fine, fixed, near, pent, pinched, scant, scanty, select, set, shrunken, spare, strait, taper, tapered, tapering, determinate, exiguous, incapacious, meager, paltry, threadlike