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Showing words for LOAM using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Loam
3 Letter Words for Loam
Definitions for Loam
[1] a rich, friable soil containing a relatively equal mixture of sand and silt and a somewhat smaller proportion of clay.
[2] a mixture of clay, sand, straw, etc., used in making molds for founding and in plastering walls, stopping holes, etc.
[3] earth or soil.
[4] Obsolete . clay or clayey earth.
[5] to cover or stop with loam.
[6] rich soil consisting of a mixture of sand, clay, and decaying organic material
[7] a paste of clay and sand used for making moulds in a foundry, plastering walls, etc
[8] (tr) to cover, treat, or fill with loam
Words related to Loam
estate, soil, terrain, home, earth, continent, ground, plot, district, area, field, homeland, territory, beach, province, parcel, countryside, acreage, tract, nation
Words nearby Loam
loaf bread, loaf pan, loaf sugar, loafer, loaiasis, loam, loan, loan collection, loan council, loan office, loan shark
Origin of Loam
before 900; late Middle English lome, earlier lam(e ), Old English lām; cognate with Dutch leem, German Lehm loam, clay; akin to lime1
Other words from Loam
loam·i·ness , noun
loam·less , adjective
loam·y , adjective
Word origin for Loam
Old English lām; related to Old Swedish lēmo clay, Old High German leimo
Synonyms for Loam
acreage, area, beach, continent, country, countryside, district, earth, estate, farmland, field, ground, home, homeland, nation, parcel, plot, province, ranch, real estate, region, shore, soil, terrain, territory, tract, acres, dirt, expanse, extent, farming, grounds, holding, mainland, manor, purlieu, quarry, realty, sod, stretch, sweep, tillage, old sod, quinta, terra firma