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Showing words for LOCOMOTIVE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Locomotive


8 Letter Words for Locomotive


7 Letter Words for Locomotive

clootie, molotov, moolvie, telomic, vicomte

6 Letter Words for Locomotive

citole, colove, comite, coolie, cootie, covite, evomit, lootie, moolet, moolvi, motile, motive, motivo, ocelot, octile, olivet, omotic, oolite, tocome, toivel, tomolo, violet, vomito

5 Letter Words for Locomotive

celom, civet, clime, clite, clive, cloit, cloot, clote, clove, colet, comet, comte, covet, ctimo, eolic, evict, licet, looie, lotic, melic, metic, metol, metoo, moile, molet, molto, molvi, mooli, moove, motel, movie, ocote, oleic, olive, ovile, ovoli, ovolo, telco, telic, teloi, toile, velic, voice, voile, volet, volte, volti, volto, vomit

4 Letter Words for Locomotive

ceil, celt, ceti, ciel, cite, cito, cive, clem, clio, clit, cliv, clot, coil, coit, cole, coli, colt, come, coml, cool, coom, coot, cote, coto, cove, ecol, ecto, emic, emit, etic, evil, ilot, itel, item, itmo, lect, leto, levi, levo, lice, lime, limo, lite, live, loci, loco, lome, loom, loot, lote, loti, loto, love, meio, melt, mice, mico, mile, milo, milt, mite, moco, moet, moil, moio, moit, mole, molt, mooi, mool, moot, mote, move, oeci, oime, oleo, olio, omit, otic, otoe, teil, teli, tice, tile, time, toco, toil, tole, tome, tool, toom, veil, velo, veto, vice, vile, viol, vite, vlei, voce, voet, vole, volt, vote

3 Letter Words for Locomotive

cel, ceo, cie, cit, civ, cli, clo, cml, col, com, coo, cot, cte, cto, ecm, eco, ect, eli, elm, elt, emo, eom, etc, ice, ile, ilo, imo, ive, lcm, lei, lem, leo, let, lev, lie, lim, lit, loc, loe, loo, lot, ltm, mei, mel, met, mic, mil, mit, moc, moe, moi, mol, moo, mot, oct, oie, oil, ole, olm, oom, oot, otc, oto, tec, tel, tem, tic, tie, til, tim, tlc, tlo, tmv, toc, toe, toi, tol, tom, too, tov, vei, vel, vet, vic, vie, vil, vim, voc, voe, vol

Definitions for Locomotive

[1] a self-propelled, vehicular engine, powered by steam, a diesel, or electricity, for pulling or, sometimes, pushing a train or individual railroad cars.
[2] an organized group cheer, usually led by a cheerleader, as at a football or basketball game, that begins slowly and progressively increases in speed in such a way as to suggest a steam locomotive.
[3] Archaic . any self-propelled vehicle.
[4] of or relating to locomotives.
[5] of, relating to, or aiding in locomotion or movement from place to place: the locomotive powers of most animals.
[6] moving or traveling by means of its own mechanism or powers.
[7] serving to produce such movement; adapted for or used in locomotion: locomotive organs.
[8] having the power of locomotion: an animal that is locomotive at birth.
[9] Also called: locomotive engine a self-propelled engine driven by steam, electricity, or diesel power and used for drawing trains along railway tracks (as modifier ) a locomotive shed ; a locomotive works
[10] of or relating to locomotion
[11] moving or able to move, as by self-propulsion

Words related to Locomotive

engine, diesel

Words nearby Locomotive

locoism, locoman, locomobile, locomote, locomotion, locomotive, locomotive engineer, locomotor, locomotor ataxia, locoweed, locrian

Origin of Locomotive

1605–15; < Latin locō, ablative of locus place + motive (adj.); compare Medieval Latin in locō movērī to change position

Other words from Locomotive

lo·co·mo·tive·ly , adverb
lo·co·mo·tive·ness , lo·co·mo·tiv·i·ty , noun
un·lo·co·mo·tive , adjective

Synonyms for Locomotive

engine, diesel, iron horse