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Showing words for LOST using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Lost
3 Letter Words for Lost
Definitions for Lost
[1] no longer possessed or retained: lost friends.
[2] no longer to be found: lost articles.
[3] having gone astray or missed the way; bewildered as to place, direction, etc.: lost children.
[4] not used to good purpose, as opportunities, time, or labor; wasted: a lost advantage.
[5] being something that someone has failed to win: a lost prize.
[6] ending in or attended with defeat: a lost battle.
[7] destroyed or ruined: lost ships.
[8] preoccupied; rapt: He seems lost in thought.
[9] distracted; distraught; desperate; hopeless: the lost look of a man trapped and afraid.
[10] simple past tense and past participle of lose.
[11] get lost , Slang . to absent oneself: I think I'll get lost before an argument starts. to stop being a nuisance: If they call again, tell them to get lost.
[12] lost to , no longer belonging to. no longer possible or open to: The opportunity was lost to him. insensible to: lost to all sense of duty.
[13] to come to be without (something in one's possession or care), through accident, theft, etc., so that there is little or no prospect of recovery: I'm sure I've merely misplaced my hat, not lost it.
[14] to fail inadvertently to retain (something) in such a way that it cannot be immediately recovered: I just lost a dime under this sofa.
[15] to suffer the deprivation of: to lose one's job; to lose one's life.
[16] to be bereaved of by death: to lose a sister.
[17] to fail to keep, preserve, or maintain: to lose one's balance; to lose one's figure.
[18] (of a clock or watch) to run slower by: The watch loses three minutes a day.
[19] to give up; forfeit the possession of: to lose a fortune at the gaming table.
[20] to get rid of: to lose one's fear of the dark; to lose weight; She needs to lose those bangs!
[21] to bring to destruction or ruin (usually used passively): Ship and crew were lost.
[22] to condemn to hell; damn.
[23] to have slip from sight, hearing, attention, etc.: to lose him in the crowd.
[24] to stray from or become ignorant of (one's way, directions, etc.): to lose one's bearings.
[25] to leave far behind in a pursuit, race, etc.; outstrip: She managed to lose the other runners on the final lap of the race.
[26] to use to no purpose; waste: to lose time in waiting.
[27] to fail to have, get, catch, etc.; miss: to lose a bargain.
[28] to fail to win (a prize, stake, etc.): to lose a bet.
[29] to be defeated in (a game, lawsuit, battle, etc.): He has lost very few cases in his career as a lawyer.
[30] to cause the loss of: The delay lost the battle for them.
[31] to let (oneself) go astray, miss the way, etc.: We lost ourselves in the woods.
[32] to allow (oneself) to become absorbed or engrossed in something and oblivious to all else: I had lost myself in thought.
[33] (of a physician or other medical personnel) to fail to preserve the life of (a patient): The doctor came out of the operating room and sadly said, “So sorry. We lost him.”
[34] (of a woman) to fail to be delivered of (a live baby) because of miscarriage, complications in childbirth, etc.
[35] to suffer loss: to lose on a contract.
[36] to suffer defeat or fail to win, as in a contest, race, or game: We played well, but we lost.
[37] to depreciate in effectiveness or in some other essential quality: a classic that loses in translation.
[38] (of a clock, watch, etc.) to run slow.
[39] lose out , to suffer defeat or loss; fail to obtain something desired: He got through the preliminaries, but lost out in the finals.
[40] unable to be found or recovered
[41] unable to find one's way or ascertain one's whereabouts
[42] confused, bewildered, or helpless he is lost in discussions of theory
[43] (sometimes foll by on) not utilized, noticed, or taken advantage of (by) rational arguments are lost on her
[44] no longer possessed or existing because of defeat, misfortune, or the passage of time a lost art
[45] destroyed physically the lost platoon
[46] (foll by to) no longer available or open (to)
[47] (foll by to) insensible or impervious (to a sense of shame, justice, etc)
[48] (foll by in) engrossed (in) he was lost in his book
[49] morally fallen a lost woman
[50] damned a lost soul
[51] get lost (usually imperative) informal go away and stay away
[52] to part with or come to be without, as through theft, accident, negligence, etc
[53] to fail to keep or maintain to lose one's balance
[54] to suffer the loss or deprivation of to lose a parent
[55] to cease to have or possess
[56] to fail to get or make use of to lose a chance
[57] (also intr) to fail to gain or win (a contest, game, etc) to lose the match
[58] to fail to see, hear, perceive, or understand I lost the gist of his speech
[59] to waste to lose money gambling
[60] to wander from so as to be unable to find to lose one's way
[61] to cause the loss of his delay lost him the battle
[62] to allow to go astray or out of sight we lost him in the crowd
[63] (usually passive) to absorb or engross he was lost in contemplation
[64] (usually passive) to cause the death or destruction of two men were lost in the attack
[65] to outdistance or elude he soon lost his pursuers
[66] (intr) to decrease or depreciate in value or effectiveness poetry always loses in translation
[67] (also intr) (of a timepiece) to run slow (by a specified amount) the clock loses ten minutes every day
[68] (of a physician) to fail to sustain the life of (a patient)
[69] (of a woman) to fail to give birth to (a viable baby), esp as the result of a miscarriage
[70] motor racing slang to lose control of (the car), as on a bend he lost it going into Woodcote
[71] lose it slang to lose control of oneself or one's temper
Words related to Lost
absent, adrift, disoriented, invisible, vanished, hidden, misplaced, wasted, obsolete, dead, absorbed, unconscious, gone, missed, lacking, wandering, forfeit, obscured, mislaid, minus
Words nearby Lost
loss ratio, lossless, lossmaker, lossmaking, lossy, lost, lost and found, lost cause, lost colony, lost generation, lost in the shuffle
Origin of Lost
ebefore 900; Middle English losen, Old English -lēosan; replacing Middle English lesen, itself also reflecting Old English -lēosan; cognate with German verlieren, Gothic fraliusan to lose. See loss
Words that may be confused with Lost
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, loseloose, loosen, lose, loss
Other words from Lost
un·lost , adjective
re·lose , verb (used with object), re·lost, re·los·ing.
Word origin for Lost
eOld English losian to perish; related to Old English -lēosan as in forlēosan to forfeit. Compare loose
Synonyms for Lost
absent, adrift, disoriented, hidden, invisible, misplaced, vanished, disappeared, forfeit, forfeited, gone, lacking, minus, mislaid, missed, obscured, strayed, wandering, astray, at sea, cast away, down the drain, fallen between cracks, gone astray, irrecoverable, irretrievable, irrevocable, kiss goodbye, nowhere to be found, off-course, out the window, unredeemed, wayward, without