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Showing words for LURCH using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Lurch
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Definitions for Lurch
[1] an act or instance of swaying abruptly.
[2] a sudden tip or roll to one side, as of a ship or a staggering person.
[3] an awkward, swaying or staggering motion or gait.
[4] (of a ship) to roll or pitch suddenly.
[5] to make a lurch; move with lurches; stagger: The wounded man lurched across the room.
[6] a situation at the close of various games in which the loser scores nothing or is far behind the opponent.
[7] Archaic . to do out of; defraud; cheat.
[8] Obsolete . to acquire through underhanded means; steal; filch.
[9] British Dialect . to lurk near a place; prowl.
[10] Archaic . the act of lurking or state of watchfulness.
[11] to lean or pitch suddenly to one side
[12] to stagger or sway
[13] the act or an instance of lurching
[14] leave someone in the lurch to desert someone in trouble
[15] cribbage the state of a losing player with less than 30 points at the end of a game (esp in the phrase in the lurch )
[16] (intr) archaic , or dialect to prowl or steal about suspiciously
Words related to Lurch
totter, bumble, teeter, jerk, reel, tilt, lean, seesaw, sway, wallow, flounder, stagger, careen, wobble, falter, heave, stumble, duck, dodge, pitch
Words nearby Lurch
lupus pernio, lupus tumidus, lupus vulgaris, lur, luray, lurch, lurcher, lurdan, lure, lurex, lurgy
Origin of Lurch
31375–1425; late Middle English lorchen, apparently variant of lurken to lurk
Other words from Lurch
lurch·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Lurch
C15: perhaps a variant of lurk
Synonyms for Lurch
bumble, careen, falter, flounder, heave, jerk, lean, reel, seesaw, stagger, stumble, sway, teeter, tilt, totter, wallow, wobble, blunder, dodge, duck, list, pitch, rock, roll, slide, slip, swing, toss, weave, yaw, move to the side