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Showing words for LUXURIOUS using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Luxurious
6 Letter Words for Luxurious
5 Letter Words for Luxurious
4 Letter Words for Luxurious
3 Letter Words for Luxurious
Definitions for Luxurious
[1] characterized by luxury; ministering or conducive to luxury: a luxurious hotel.
[2] given to or loving luxury; wanting or requiring what is choice, expensive, or the like: a person with luxurious tastes.
[3] given to pleasure, especially of the senses; voluptuous.
[4] present or occurring in great abundance, rich profusion, etc.; opulent: a luxurious harvest; music of luxurious beauty.
[5] excessively ornate; overelaborate: luxurious prose.
[6] characterized by luxury
[7] enjoying or devoted to luxury
[8] an archaic word for lecherous
Words related to Luxurious
ostentatious, stately, posh, sumptuous, palatial, gorgeous, lush, fancy, comfortable, splendid, lavish, opulent, grand, extravagant, imposing, deluxe, plush, expensive, ritzy, upscale
Words nearby Luxurious
luxor, luxulianite, luxuriance, luxuriant, luxuriate, luxurious, luxury, luxury tax, luzern, luzhou, luzon
Origin of Luxurious
First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English word from Latin word luxuriōsus. See luxury, -ous
Words that may be confused with Luxurious
Other words from Luxurious
lux·u·ri·ous·ly , adverb
lux·u·ri·ous·ness , noun
o·ver·lux·u·ri·ous , adjective
o·ver·lux·u·ri·ous·ly , adverb
o·ver·lux·u·ri·ous·ness , noun
pre·lux·u·ri·ous , adjective
pre·lux·u·ri·ous·ly , adverb
pre·lux·u·ri·ous·ness , noun
qua·si-lux·u·ri·ous , adjective
qua·si-lux·u·ri·ous·ly , adverb
su·per·lux·u·ri·ous , adjective
su·per·lux·u·ri·ous·ly , adverb
su·per·lux·u·ri·ous·ness , noun
un·lux·u·ri·ous , adjective
un·lux·u·ri·ous·ly , adverb
Word origin for Luxurious
C14: via Old French from Latin luxuriōsus excessive
Synonyms for Luxurious
comfortable, deluxe, expensive, extravagant, fancy, gorgeous, grand, imposing, lavish, lush, opulent, ostentatious, palatial, plush, posh, ritzy, splendid, stately, sumptuous, upscale, costly, easy, elaborate, epicurean, fit for a king/queen, grandiose, gratifying, hedonistic, immoderate, impressive, in the lap of luxury, luscious, magnificent, majestic, pampered, pleasurable, pleasure-loving, plushy, pretentious, rich, self-indulgent, sensual, sensuous, sybaritic, voluptuous, well-appointed