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Showing words for LYNCH using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Lynch
4 Letter Words for Lynch
3 Letter Words for Lynch
Definitions for Lynch
[1] to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.
[2] John Jack , 1917–1999, Irish political leader: prime minister 1966–73, 1977–79.
[3] (tr) (of a mob) to punish (a person) for some supposed offence by hanging without a trial
[4] David. born 1946, US film director; his work includes the films Eraserhead (1977), Blue Velvet (1986), Wild at Heart (1990), Mulholland Drive (2001), and Inland Empire (2006), and the television series Twin Peaks (1990)
[5] John, known as Jack Lynch. 1917–99, Irish statesman; prime minister of the Republic of Ireland (1966–73; 1977–79)
Words related to Lynch
Words nearby Lynch
lymphotoxin, lymphotrophic, lynagh, lynbrook, lyncean, lynch, lynch law, lynchburg, lynchet, lynchpin, lynd
Origin of Lynch
1825–35, Americanism ; v. use of lynch in lynch law
Words that may be confused with Lynch
hang, lynch, (see, synonym, study, at, hang)
Other words from Lynch
lynch·er , noun
an·ti·lynch·ing , adjective
Word origin for Lynch
probably after Charles Lynch (1736–96), Virginia justice of the peace, who presided over extralegal trials of Tories during the American War of Independence