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Showing words for MAHALEB using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Mahaleb


6 Letter Words for Mahaleb

amable, hamble, mabela

5 Letter Words for Mahaleb

abeam, almah, almeh, amble, bamah, beala, belah, belam, blame, hable, halma, hamal, hamba, hamel, hemal, lamba, mahal, melba

4 Letter Words for Mahaleb

abel, able, ahab, ahem, alae, alba, albe, alem, alma, alme, amah, amal, amba, ambe, amel, amla, baal, bale, balm, beal, beam, bela, bema, bhel, blae, blah, blam, blea, haab, hala, hale, halm, hame, heal, hela, helm, heml, lama, lamb, lame, leam, mabe, maha, mala, male, meal, mela

3 Letter Words for Mahaleb

aah, aal, aam, aba, abl, abm, aha, ala, alb, ale, ama, amb, ame, baa, bae, bah, bal, bam, bel, eam, ela, elb, elm, hab, hae, ham, hel, hem, laa, lab, lah, lam, lea, lem, lhb, maa, mab, mae, mal, mba, mea, meh, mel

Definitions for Mahaleb

[1] a cherry, Prunus mahaleb, introduced into the U.S. from Eurasia, used as a stock in grafting cherries.

Words nearby Mahaleb

mahadeva, mahajanga, mahal, mahala, mahala mat, mahaleb, mahalia, mahalla el kubra, mahamaya, mahan, mahanadi

Origin of Mahaleb

First recorded in 1550–60, mahaleb is from the Arabic word maḥlab