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Showing words for MAMBO using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Mambo
4 Letter Words for Mambo
ambo, ammo, boma, mamo
3 Letter Words for Mambo
abm, abo, amb, aob, bam, boa, bom, mab, mam, mao, mba, moa, mob, mom, oam, oba, omb
Definitions for Mambo
[1] a fast ballroom dance of Caribbean origin, rhythmically similar to the rumba and cha-cha but having a more complex pattern of steps.
[2] to dance the mambo.
[3] a modern Latin American dance, resembling the rumba, derived from the ritual dance of voodoo
[4] a voodoo priestess
[5] (intr) to perform this dance
Words nearby Mambo
mamaku, mamallapuram, mamaroneck, mamba, mamberamo, mambo, mame, mamelon, mameluke, mamers, mamet
Origin of Mambo
Borrowed into English from American Spanish around 1945–50
Word origin for Mambo
American Spanish, probably from Haitian Creole: voodoo priestess