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Showing words for MANAGE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Manage
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3 Letter Words for Manage
Definitions for Manage
[1] to bring about or succeed in accomplishing, sometimes despite difficulty or hardship: She managed to see the governor. How does she manage it on such a small income?
[2] to take charge or care of: to manage my investments.
[3] to dominate or influence (a person) by tact, flattery, or artifice: He manages the child with exemplary skill.
[4] to handle, direct, govern, or control in action or use: She managed the boat efficiently.
[5] to wield (a weapon, tool, etc.).
[6] to handle or train (a horse) in the exercises of the manège.
[7] Archaic . to use sparingly or with judgment, as health or money; husband.
[8] to conduct business, commercial affairs, etc.; be in charge: Who will manage while the boss is away?
[9] to continue to function, progress, or succeed, usually despite hardship or difficulty; get along: How will he manage with his wife gone? It was a rough time, but we managed.
[10] (also intr) to be in charge (of); administer to manage one's affairs ; to manage a shop
[11] to succeed in being able (to do something) despite obstacles; contrive did you manage to go to sleep?
[12] to have room, time, etc, for can you manage dinner tomorrow?
[13] to exercise control or domination over, often in a tactful or guileful manner
[14] (intr) to contrive to carry on despite difficulties, esp financial ones he managed quite well on very little money
[15] to wield or handle (a weapon)
[16] rare to be frugal in the use of
[17] an archaic word for manège
Words related to Manage
use, regulate, run, dominate, oversee, train, conduct, administer, maintain, supervise, handle, govern, operate, guide, work, achieve, concert, influence, direct, disburse
Words nearby Manage
mana, mana motuhake, manacle, manada, manado, manage, manage up, manageable, managed bonds, managed care, managed competition
Origin of Manage
1555–65; earlier manege < Italian maneggiare to handle, train (horses), derivative of mano < Latin manus hand
Other words from Manage
o·ver·man·age , verb (used with object), o·ver·man·aged, o·ver·man·ag·ing.
qua·si-man·aged , adjective
self-man·ag·ing , adjective
un·der·man·age , verb (used with object), un·der·man·aged, un·der·man·ag·ing.
un·der·man·aged , adjective
un·man·aged , adjective
well-man·aged , adjective
Word origin for Manage
C16: from Italian maneggiare to control, train (esp horses), ultimately from Latin manus hand
Synonyms for Manage
administer, conduct, dominate, govern, guide, handle, maintain, operate, oversee, regulate, run, supervise, take care of, take over, train, use, advocate, boss, captain, command, concert, counsel, designate, direct, disburse, engineer, execute, head, influence, instruct, manipulate, minister, officiate, pilot, ply, preside, request, rule, steer, superintend, watch, wield, call the shots, call upon, care for, carry on, engage in, hold down, run the show, take the helm, watch over