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Showing words for MANATEE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Manatee
emanate, manatee
6 Letter Words for Manatee
amante, amenta, entame, teaman
5 Letter Words for Manatee
amant, amate, ameen, amene, ament, antae, atame, atman, eaten, emane, enate, enema, entea, manat, manet, manta, meane, meant, menat, menta, metae, teman
4 Letter Words for Manatee
amen, anam, anat, anet, anta, ante, atma, enam, eten, etna, maat, mana, mane, mant, mata, mate, mean, meat, meet, mene, ment, meta, mete, naam, name, neat, neem, neet, nema, nete, taen, tame, tana, tane, team, tean, teem, teen, teme, tene
3 Letter Words for Manatee
aam, ama, ame, amt, ana, ane, ant, ate, atm, eam, ean, eat, een, eme, ene, eta, maa, mae, man, mat, mea, mee, men, met, mna, mtn, naa, nae, nam, nat, nea, nee, net, taa, tam, tan, tea, tee, tem, ten
Definitions for Manatee
[1] any of several plant-eating aquatic mammals of the genus Trichechus, of West Indian, Floridian, and Gulf Coast waters, having two flippers in front and a broad, spoon-shaped tail: all species are endangered.
[2] any sirenian mammal of the genus Trichechus, occurring in tropical coastal waters of America, the Caribbean, and Africa: family Trichechidae. They resemble whales and have a prehensile upper lip and a broad flattened tail
Words nearby Manatee
manas, manassas, manasseh, manassite, manat, manatee, manatu, manatí, manaus, manavelins, manawa
Origin of Manatee
1545–55; < Spanish manatí < Carib, but associated with Latin manātus provided with hands
Word origin for Manatee
C16: via Spanish from Carib Manattouī