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Showing words for MANCHU using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Manchu
chunam, manchu, maunch
5 Letter Words for Manchu
chaum, human, munch, nahum, nauch, nucha, numac
4 Letter Words for Manchu
ahum, caum, cham, chan, chmn, chum, chun, haum, huma, mach, mahu, maun, much, nach, unca
3 Letter Words for Manchu
ach, ahu, amu, anc, anu, auh, aum, cam, can, cha, chm, chn, cum, cun, ham, han, hau, hum, hun, mac, man, mau, mna, mun, nah, nam, num, uca, uma, una, unc, unh
Definitions for Manchu
[1] a member of a Tungusic people of Manchuria who conquered China in the 17th century and established a dynasty there (Manchu dynasty or Ch'ing 1644–1912).
[2] a Tungusic language spoken by the Manchu.
[3] of or relating to the Manchu, their country, or their language.
[4] plural -chus or -chu a member of a Mongoloid people of Manchuria who conquered China in the 17th century, establishing an imperial dynasty that lasted until 1912
[5] the language of this people, belonging to the Tungusic branch of the Altaic family
[6] Also: Ching of or relating to the dynasty of the Manchus
Word origin for Manchu
from Manchu, literally: pure