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Showing words for MANE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Mane
3 Letter Words for Mane
Definitions for Mane
[1] the long hair growing on the back of or around the neck and neighboring parts of some animals, as the horse or lion.
[2] Informal . (on a human being) a head of distinctively long and thick or rough hair.
[3] the long coarse hair that grows from the crest of the neck in such mammals as the lion and horse
[4] long thick human hair
Words related to Mane
ridge, perimeter, outskirts, edge, periphery, verge, hem, skirt, brink, wig, hairstyle, grass, fur, haircut, fiber, wool, strand, eyebrow, tangle, shock
Words nearby Mane
mandrel, mandrill, mandrin, manducate, mandyas, mane, maneb, maned wolf, manes, manet, manet, edouard
Origin of Mane
before 900; Middle English; Old English manu; cognate with German Mähne, Dutch manen, Old Norse mǫn
Other words from Mane
maned , adjective
mane·less , adjective
un·maned , adjective
Word origin for Mane
Old English manu; related to Old High German mana, Old Norse mön, and perhaps to Old English mene and Old High German menni necklace