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Showing words for MARINE using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Marine

airmen, armine, mainer, marine, remain

5 Letter Words for Marine

aimer, amine, amire, anime, armin, enami, enarm, inarm, inerm, irena, maine, maire, manei, manie, marie, minae, minar, miner, namer, raine, ramen, ramie, ramin, reina, reman, rimae

4 Letter Words for Marine

aine, aire, airn, amen, amie, amin, anim, anre, aren, arni, earn, eira, emir, enam, eria, erin, iare, iman, iran, main, mair, mane, mani, mare, mari, mean, mear, mein, meri, miae, mian, mien, mine, mire, mrna, name, nare, near, nema, rain, rame, rami, rane, ream, rean, reim, rein, riem, rima, rime, rine

3 Letter Words for Marine

aer, aim, ain, air, ame, ami, ane, are, arm, arn, eam, ean, ear, eir, era, ern, ira, ire, mae, man, mar, mea, mei, men, mer, mia, min, mir, mna, mri, nae, nam, nar, nea, nei, nie, nim, rai, ram, ran, rea, rei, rem, ria, rie, rim, rin, rna

Definitions for Marine

[1] of or relating to the sea; existing in or produced by the sea: marine vegetation.
[2] pertaining to navigation or shipping; nautical; naval; maritime.
[3] serving on shipboard, as soldiers.
[4] of or belonging to the marines.
[5] adapted for use at sea: a marine barometer.
[6] a member of the U.S. Marine Corps.
[7] one of a class of naval troops serving both on shipboard and on land.
[8] seagoing ships collectively, especially with reference to nationality or class; shipping in general.
[9] a picture with a marine subject; seascape.
[10] naval affairs, or the department of a government, as in France, having to do with such affairs.
[11] dead marine , Australian Slang . an empty bottle of beer or spirits.
[12] tell it /that to the marines! I don't believe your story; I refuse to be fooled.
[13] of, found in, or relating to the sea
[14] of or relating to shipping, navigation, etc
[15] of or relating to a body of seagoing troops marine corps
[16] of or relating to a government department concerned with maritime affairs
[17] used or adapted for use at sea a marine camera
[18] shipping and navigation in general the merchant marine
[19] (capital when part of a name) a member of a marine corps or similar body
[20] a picture of a ship, seascape, etc
[21] tell it to the marines informal an expression of disbelief

Words related to Marine

aquatic, naval, maritime, coastal, seagoing, saltwater, deep-sea, oceanic, shore, seashore, seafaring, sea, nautical, seaside, littoral, pelagic, abyssal, navigational, Neptunian, hydrographic

Words nearby Marine

marina, marinade, marinara, marinate, marinduque, marine, marine archaeology, marine barometer, marine belt, marine biology, marine borer

Origin of Marine

1325–75; Middle English maryne < Middle French marin (feminine marine ) < Latin marīnus of the sea, derivative of mare sea; see -ine1

Other words from Marine

in·ter·ma·rine , adjective
non·ma·rine , adjective, noun
sem·i·ma·rine , adjective, noun
su·per·ma·rine , adjective
un·ma·rine , adjective

Word origin for Marine

C15: from Old French marin, from Latin marīnus, from mare sea

Synonyms for Marine

aquatic, coastal, deep-sea, maritime, naval, saltwater, seagoing, littoral, nautical, oceanic, sea, seafaring, seashore, seaside, shore, Neptunian, abyssal, hydrographic, natatorial, navigational, ocean-going, oceanographic, pelagic