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Showing words for MATE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Mate
3 Letter Words for Mate
Definitions for Mate
[1] a partner in marriage; spouse.
[2] one member of a pair of mated animals.
[3] one of a pair: I can't find the mate to this glove.
[4] a counterpart.
[5] an associate; fellow worker; comrade; partner (often used in combination): classmate; roommate.
[6] friend; buddy; pal (often used as an informal term of address): Let me give you a hand with that, mate.
[7] Nautical . first mate. any of a number of officers of varying degrees of rank subordinate to the master of a merchant ship. an assistant to a warrant officer or other functionary on a ship.
[8] an aide or helper, as to an artisan; factotum.
[9] a gear, rack, or worm engaging with another gear or worm.
[10] Archaic . an equal in reputation; peer; match.
[11] to join as a mate or as mates.
[12] to bring (animals) together for breeding purposes.
[13] to match or marry.
[14] to join, fit, or associate suitably: to mate thought with daring action.
[15] to connect or link: a telephone system mated to a computerized information service.
[16] to treat as comparable.
[17] to associate as a mate or as mates.
[18] (of animals) to copulate.
[19] (of animals) to pair for the purpose of breeding.
[20] to marry.
[21] (of a gear, rack, or worm) to engage with another gear or worm; mesh.
[22] Archaic . to consort; keep company.
[23] checkmate(defs 1, 3, 5) .
[24] maté.
[25] a tealike South American beverage made from the dried leaves of an evergreen tree.
[26] a South American tree, Ilex paraguariensis, that is the source of this beverage.
[27] the dried leaves of this tree.
[28] Materials Engineer.
[29] the sexual partner of an animal
[30] a marriage partner
[31] informal , mainly British , Australian and NZ a friend, usually of the same sex: often used between males in direct address (in combination) an associate, colleague, fellow sharer, etc a classmate ; a flatmate
[32] one of a pair of matching items
[33] nautical short for first mate any officer below the master on a commercial ship a warrant officer's assistant on a ship
[34] (in some trades) an assistant a plumber's mate
[35] archaic a suitable associate
[36] mate rates Australian slang the reduced rate charged for work done for a friend
[37] to pair (a male and female animal) or (of animals) to pair for reproduction
[38] to marry or join in marriage
[39] (tr) to join as a pair; match
[40] chess See checkmate
[41] an evergreen tree, Ilex paraguariensis, cultivated in South America for its leaves, which contain caffeine: family Aquifoliaceae
[42] a stimulating milky beverage made from the dried leaves of this tree
Words related to Mate
comrade, acquaintance, buddy, companion, bride, roommate, schoolmate, spouse, coworker, playmate, classmate, colleague, sidekick, concomitant, helper, twin, cohort, intimate, duplicate, assistant
Words nearby Mate
matchmark, matchstick, matchup, matchwood, matchy-matchy, mate, mate's rates, matelassé, matelot, matelote, mater
Origin of Mate
é1710–20; < American Spanish mate, orig. the vessel in which the herb is steeped < Quechua mati
Other words from Mate
mate·less , adjective
Word origin for Mate
éC18: from American Spanish (originally referring to the vessel in which the drink was brewed), from Quechua máti gourd
Synonyms for Mate
acquaintance, bride, buddy, classmate, companion, comrade, coworker, playmate, roommate, schoolmate, spouse, analog, assistant, associate, chum, cohort, colleague, compeer, complement, concomitant, consort, coordinate, counterpart, crony, double, duplicate, familiar, friend, groom, helper, helpmate, intimate, match, pal, peer, reciprocal, sidekick, twin, alter ego, bedmate