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Showing words for MATERIAL using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Material
7 Letter Words for Material
6 Letter Words for Material
5 Letter Words for Material
4 Letter Words for Material
3 Letter Words for Material
Definitions for Material
[1] the substance or substances of which a thing is made or composed: Stone is a durable material.
[2] anything that serves as crude or raw matter to be used or developed: Wood pulp is the raw material from which paper is made.
[3] any constituent element.
[4] a textile fabric: material for a dress.
[5] a group of ideas, facts, data, etc., that may provide the basis for or be incorporated into some integrated work: to gather material for a history of North Carolina; to write material for a comedy show.
[6] materials, the articles or apparatus needed to make or do something: writing materials.
[7] a person considered as having qualities suited to a particular sphere of activity: The boy's teachers did not think he was college material.
[8] formed or consisting of matter; physical; corporeal: the material world.
[9] relating to, concerned with, or involving matter: material forces.
[10] pertaining to the physical rather than the spiritual or intellectual aspect of things: material comforts.
[11] pertaining to or characterized by an undue interest in corporeal things; unspiritual.
[12] of substantial import; of much consequence; important: Your support will make a material difference in the success of our program.
[13] pertinent or essential (usually followed by to ): a question not material to the subject at hand.
[14] Law . likely to influence the determination of a case: material evidence.
[15] Philosophy . of or relating to matter as distinguished from form.
[16] the substance of which a thing is made or composed; component or constituent matter raw material
[17] facts, notes, etc, that a finished work may be based on or derived from enough material for a book
[18] cloth or fabric
[19] a person who has qualities suitable for a given occupation, training, etc that boy is not university material
[20] of, relating to, or composed of physical substance; corporeal
[21] philosophy composed of or relating to physical as opposed to mental or spiritual substance the material world
[22] of, relating to, or affecting economic or physical wellbeing material ease
[23] of or concerned with physical rather than spiritual interests
[24] of great import or consequence of material benefit to the workers
[25] (often foll by to) relevant
[26] philosophy of or relating to matter as opposed to form
[27] law relevant to the issue before court: applied esp to facts or testimony of much significance a material witness
Words related to Material
actual, perceptible, substantial, appreciable, earthly, physical, serious, meaningful, considerable, significant, goods, supply, object, component, element, textile, equipment, substance, machinery, stuff
Words nearby Material
mater dolorosa, mater turrita, materfamilias, materia alba, materia medica, material, material cause, material culture, material equivalence, material implication, material mode
Origin of Material
1300–50; Middle English < Late Latin māteriālis of, belonging to matter. See matter, -al1
Words that may be confused with Material
Other words from Material
ma·te·ri·al·ness , noun
pre·ma·te·ri·al , adjective
qua·si-ma·te·ri·al , adjective
qua·si-ma·te·ri·al·ly , adverb
su·per·ma·te·ri·al , noun
trans·ma·te·ri·al , adjective
un·ma·te·ri·al , adjective
un·ma·te·ri·al·ly , adverb
Word origin for Material
C14: via French from Late Latin māteriālis, from Latin māteria matter
Synonyms for Material
actual, appreciable, earthly, perceptible, physical, substantial, animal, concrete, corporeal, objective, real, true, carnal, fleshly, incarnate, nonspiritual, palpable, phenomenal, sensible, sensual, worldly