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Showing words for MAZE using the English dictionary

4 Letter Words for Maze


3 Letter Words for Maze

ame, eam, mae, mea, zea

Definitions for Maze

[1] a confusing network of intercommunicating paths or passages; labyrinth.
[2] any complex system or arrangement that causes bewilderment, confusion, or perplexity: Her petition was lost in a maze of bureaucratic red tape.
[3] a state of bewilderment or confusion.
[4] a winding movement, as in dancing.
[5] Chiefly Dialect . to daze, perplex, or stupefy.
[6] a complex network of paths or passages, esp one with high hedges in a garden, designed to puzzle those walking through it Compare labyrinth (def. 1)
[7] a similar system represented diagrammatically as a pattern of lines
[8] any confusing network of streets, pathways, etc a maze of paths
[9] a state of confusion
[10] an archaic or dialect word for amaze

Words related to Maze

convolution, puzzle, twist, winding, perplexity, tangle, web, network, hodgepodge, muddle, mesh, imbroglio, knot, entanglement, morass, bewilderment, skein, uncertainty, quandary, intricacy

Words nearby Maze

mazarine, mazatec, mazatlán, mazda, mazdaism, maze, mazel tov, mazer, mazey, mazo-, mazopathia

Origin of Maze

1250–1300; Middle English mase, noun use of aphetic variant of amasen to amaze

Words that may be confused with Maze

maize, maze

Other words from Maze

mazed·ly [meyzd -lee, mey -zid-] /ˈmeɪzd li, ˈmeɪ zɪd-/ , adverb
mazed·ness , noun
maze·like , adjective
in·ter·maze , verb (used with object), in·ter·mazed, in·ter·maz·ing.

Word origin for Maze

C13: see amaze

Synonyms for Maze

bewilderment, convolution, entanglement, hodgepodge, imbroglio, intricacy, jungle, knot, meander, mesh, miscellany, morass, muddle, network, perplexity, puzzle, quandary, skein, snarl, tangle, torsion, twist, uncertainty, web, winding, meandering