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Showing words for MECHANIC using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Mechanic
7 Letter Words for Mechanic
6 Letter Words for Mechanic
5 Letter Words for Mechanic
4 Letter Words for Mechanic
3 Letter Words for Mechanic
Definitions for Mechanic
[1] a person who repairs and maintains machinery, motors, etc.: an automobile mechanic.
[2] a worker who is skilled in the use of tools, machines, equipment, etc.
[3] Slang . a person skilled in the dishonest handling of cards, dice, or other objects used in games of chance.
[4] a person skilled in maintaining or operating machinery, motors, etc
[5] archaic a common labourer
Words related to Mechanic
technician, repairman, operator, worker, machinist, craftsman, artisan, artificer, handicraftsman
Words nearby Mechanic
mecca, mecca balsam, meccano, mech., mechan-, mechanic, mechanic's lien, mechanical, mechanical advantage, mechanical alternation, mechanical antidote
Origin of Mechanic
1350–1400; Middle English: mechanical < Latin mēchanicus < Greek mēchanikós, equivalent to mēchan(ḗ ) machine + -ikos -ic
Word origin for Mechanic
C14: from Latin mēchanicus, from Greek mēkhanikos, from mēkhanē machine
Synonyms for Mechanic
repairman, technician, grease monkey