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Showing words for MEDIOCRE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Mediocre
7 Letter Words for Mediocre
6 Letter Words for Mediocre
5 Letter Words for Mediocre
4 Letter Words for Mediocre
3 Letter Words for Mediocre
Definitions for Mediocre
[1] of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate: The car gets only mediocre mileage, but it's fun to drive.
[2] not satisfactory; poor; inferior: Mediocre construction makes that building dangerous.
[3] often derogatory average or ordinary in quality a mediocre book
Words related to Mediocre
decent, so-so, middling, undistinguished, uninspired, second-rate, ordinary, dull, inferior, colorless, common, conventional, fair, humdrum, indifferent, insignificant, intermediate, mainstream, mean, medium
Words nearby Mediocre
medill, medina, medio-, mediocarpal, mediocracy, mediocre, mediocris, mediocrity, mediodorsal, mediolateral, medionecrosis
Origin of Mediocre
1580–90; < Middle French < Latin mediocris in a middle state, literally, at middle height, equivalent to medi(us) mid1 + Old Latin ocris rugged mountain, cognate with Greek ókris, akin to ákros apex; compare Umbrian ocar hill, citadel
Other words from Mediocre
sub·me·di·o·cre , adjective
su·per·me·di·o·cre , adjective
Word origin for Mediocre
C16: via French from Latin mediocris moderate, literally: halfway up the mountain, from medius middle + ocris stony mountain
Synonyms for Mediocre
decent, dull, inferior, middling, ordinary, second-rate, so-so, undistinguished, uninspired, characterless, colorless, common, conventional, fair, fair to middling, fairish, humdrum, indifferent, insignificant, intermediate, mainstream, mean, medium, moderate, no great shakes, of poor quality, passable, pedestrian, run-of-the-mill, standard, tolerable, unexceptional, vanilla