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Showing words for MENTAL using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Mental
5 Letter Words for Mental
4 Letter Words for Mental
3 Letter Words for Mental
Definitions for Mental
[1] of or relating to the mind: mental powers; mental suffering.
[2] of, relating to, or affected by a disorder of the mind: a mental patient; mental illness.
[3] providing care for persons with disordered minds, emotions, etc.: a mental hospital.
[4] performed by or existing in the mind: mental arithmetic; a mental note.
[5] pertaining to intellectuals or intellectual activity.
[6] Informal . slightly daft; out of one's mind; crazy: He's mental.
[7] Informal . a person with a psychological disorder: a fascist group made up largely of mentals.
[8] of or relating to the chin.
[9] of or involving the mind or an intellectual process
[10] occurring only in the mind mental calculations
[11] affected by mental illness a mental patient Preferred form: psychiatric
[12] concerned with care for persons with mental illness a mental hospital Preferred form: psychiatric
[13] slang insane
[14] anatomy of or relating to the chin Also: genial
Words related to Mental
subjective, spiritual, cerebral, psychic, intellectual, psychological, psychiatric, brainy, clairvoyant, deep, heavy, imaginative, immaterial, inner, mysterious, rational, reasoning, subconscious, thinking, thoughtful
Words nearby Mental
mensural music, mensural notation, mensuration, mensurative, menswear, mental, mental age, mental artery, mental block, mental cruelty, mental deficiency
Origin of Mental
21720–30; < Latin ment(um ) the chin (see mentum) + -al1
Word origin for Mental
C18: from Latin mentum chin
Synonyms for Mental
cerebral, intellectual, psychic, psychological, spiritual, subjective, brainy, clairvoyant, deep, heavy, ideological, imaginative, immaterial, inner, intellective, mysterious, phrenic, psychical, rational, reasoning, subconscious, subliminal, telepathic, thinking, thoughtful, unreal