10 Letter Words for Metallurgy
9 Letter Words for Metallurgy
8 Letter Words for Metallurgy
argutely, maturely, mulletry
7 Letter Words for Metallurgy
alertly, allergy, alterum, elytral, elytrum, galerum, gallery, gaulter, glutael, gluteal, greatly, gruelly, gullery, largely, maulgre, metally, murally, regally, regalty, relatum, retally, tegular, telarly, telurgy, tragule, tramell
6 Letter Words for Metallurgy
allure, almery, almury, alture, alulet, amulet, argute, argyle, armlet, aumery, egally, elytra, galler, gallet, galley, gamely, geraty, germal, glaury, gleamy, gleary, glumal, glumly, grayle, grulla, grumly, grylle, guemal, guller, gullet, gurlet, guyler, gyrate, lamely, larget, lately, laurel, lauryl, lauter, lealty, luteal, lyrate, maguey, malgre, mallet, malter, marlet, martel, mately, mature, mauger, mauler, mauley, mellay, meryta, metall, muleta, mullar, muller, mullet, mulley, murage, mutage, mutely, mygale, myrtal, myrtle, raglet, ragule, raguly, rallye, ramule, raylet, really, realty, regula, rugate, rumage, taller, tamely, tamure, targum, tauryl, tegula, telary, tellar, tergal, tergum, termal, termly, tramel, tuareg, tugela, tulare, ullage, ulmate, uretal
5 Letter Words for Metallurgy
aglet, agley, aguey, alert, aleut, algum, aller, alley, almug, alter, alure, amelu, amlet, argel, argle, argue, armet, artel, artly, ately, atule, auger, auget, auryl, autem, autre, aygre, aylet, ayllu, early, egall, elayl, ergal, etyma, galet, galey, gally, galut, gamer, gamut, garle, garum, gater, gault, gaumy, gaure, gayer, gelly, gemul, germy, glare, glary, glaum, glaur, gleam, gluer, gluey, gluma, glume, glute, grame, gramy, grate, great, greta, gruel, grume, gteau, guary, gular, gully, gumly, gurle, gurly, guyer, guyle, gymel, gyral, lager, lagly, lamel, lamer, large, largy, larum, later, laure, laury, layer, leary, legal, legua, lemur, leuma, luger, lural, lurgy, lutea, luter, lutra, lyart, malgr, malty, marge, marle, marly, marut, mater, matey, mealy, meaty, meaul, melty, metal, metra, mulet, muley, mulga, mulla, mural, murga, murly, muter, myall, mylar, rally, ramet, ratel, rayle, realm, reamy, regal, regma, relay, retag, retal, ruely, rugae, rugal, rumal, rumly, rutyl, tagel, taler, tally, tamer, targe, tayer, teary, tegua, telar, telly, terga, terma, trame, trull, truly, tryma, tugra, tulle, tully, turgy, turma, turme, tuyer, tyler, ulema, uller, ultra, urate, ureal, yager, yealm, yerga, yurta
4 Letter Words for Metallurgy
ager, aget, aglu, agly, ague, alem, ally, alme, alum, amel, amur, amyl, areg, aret, arle, army, arte, arty, arum, aryl, atle, atry, auge, aute, ayme, ayre, earl, egal, egma, elmy, elul, eral, erat, etua, etym, eyra, gael, gaet, gale, gall, galt, game, gamy, gare, gart, gary, gate, gaul, gaum, gaur, gaut, geal, gear, geat, gell, germ, gery, geta, geum, glam, glar, gley, glue, glum, glut, gram, grat, gray, gret, grue, grum, guam, guar, gula, gule, gull, gult, guly, gurl, gurt, gyal, gyle, gyre, gyte, laer, laet, lame, lare, late, laur, leal, leam, lear, leat, ller, llyr, luge, lura, lure, lurg, lute, lyam, lyme, lyra, lyre, lyte, mage, male, mall, malt, mare, marg, marl, mart, maru, mary, mate, maty, maul, maut, meal, mear, meat, mega, mela, mell, melt, merl, meta, mgal, mtge, muga, mule, mull, mult, mura, mure, murl, muta, mute, myal, myel, myrt, rage, rale, rall, rame, rate, ratu, real, ream, regt, rely, ruga, rule, rull, ruly, rume, ruta, ryal, ryme, tael, tale, tall, tame, tare, taum, taur, teal, team, tear, tega, tegu, tela, tell, tera, term, trag, tram, tray, trey, true, trug, trye, tula, tule, tume, turm, tyer, tyum, ugly, ulla, ullr, ulta, ural, urea, urge, yale, yalu, yare, yarl, yarm, yate, year, yeat, yell, yelm, yelt, yeta, ylem, yuga, yule, yuma, yurt
3 Letter Words for Metallurgy
aer, age, agr, agt, agy, ale, alg, all, alt, aly, ame, amt, amu, amy, are, arg, arm, art, aru, ary, ate, atm, aug, aul, aum, aye, ayr, ayu, eam, ear, eat, eau, ela, ell, elm, elt, emu, era, erg, ert, eta, ety, eyl, eyr, gal, gam, gar, gat, gau, gay, gel, gem, ger, get, gey, glt, gmt, gra, gry, gte, gue, gul, gum, gur, gut, guy, gye, gym, lag, lam, lar, lat, lay, lea, leg, lem, ler, let, leu, ley, llm, ltm, ltr, lue, lug, lum, lur, lut, lye, lym, mae, mag, mal, mar, mat, mau, may, mea, meg, mel, mer, met, meu, mgr, mgt, mtg, mug, mut, mya, myg, rag, ram, rat, ray, rea, reg, rel, rem, rle, rly, rte, rue, rug, rum, rut, rya, rye, tag, tal, tam, tar, tau, tay, tea, teg, tel, tem, ter, tlr, tra, trm, try, tua, tue, tug, tum, tur, tuy, tye, tyg, tyr, uey, ugt, ula, ule, ull, ult, uma, ume, ura, ure, uta, ute, yag, yam, yar, yat, yea, yer, yet, yue, yug, yum
Definitions for Metallurgy
[1] the technique or science of working or heating metals so as to give them certain desired shapes or properties.
[2] the technique or science of making and compounding alloys.
[3] the technique or science of separating metals from their ores.
[4] the scientific study of the extraction, refining, alloying, and fabrication of metals and of their structure and properties
Words related to Metallurgy
planning, design, architecture, structure, blueprinting, structures, surveying
Words nearby Metallurgy
metallophone, metalloporphyrin, metalloprotein, metallotherapy, metallothionein, metallurgy, metalmark, metalogic, metalsmith, metalware, metalwork
Origin of Metallurgy
1695–1705; < New Latin metallurgia < Greek metallourg(ós ) working in metals, mining + New Latin -ia -ia. See metall-, -urgy
Other words from Metallurgy
met·al·lur·gic , met·al·lur·gi·cal , adjective
met·al·lur·gi·cal·ly , adverb
met·al·lur·gist [met -l-ur-jist or, esp. British , muh -tal -er-jist] /ˈmɛt lˌɜr dʒɪst or, esp. British , məˈtæl ər dʒɪst/ , noun
non·met·al·lur·gic , adjective
non·met·al·lur·gi·cal , adjective
non·met·al·lur·gi·cal·ly , adverb
un·met·al·lur·gic , adjective
un·met·al·lur·gi·cal , adjective
un·met·al·lur·gi·cal·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Metallurgy
architecture, design, planning, blueprinting, installations, structure, structures, surveying