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Showing words for METALSMITH using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Metalsmith


9 Letter Words for Metalsmith


8 Letter Words for Metalsmith

hammiest, lathiest, lithates, malmiest, malthite, maltiest, meltiths, metalism, metalist, semimatt, smaltite

7 Letter Words for Metalsmith

ammites, atheism, atheist, etatism, halites, hamlets, hastile, heliast, ishmael, isthmal, lammies, lettish, limetta, listeth, lithate, lithest, maihems, mashlim, matiest, matties, melisma, meltith, mismate, sahlite, semimat, semital, settima, shittle, shmatte, smitham, smittle, staithe, stammel, stealth, stethal, tammies, tashmit, thesial, thistle

6 Letter Words for Metalsmith

almehs, asmile, astite, elisha, emails, ethals, hailes, hailse, halest, halite, hameil, hamelt, hamilt, hamite, hamlet, haslet, hestia, hiemal, immesh, laithe, lamest, lamish, lammie, latest, lathes, lathie, lathis, latish, latite, lattes, lemmas, limmas, lithes, maihem, mailes, malism, malist, mamies, mashie, mathes, maties, mattes, mattie, meaths, meiths, mesail, mesial, metals, misate, miseat, mismet, mistal, mistle, mittle, saithe, salite, saltie, samiel, samite, samlet, sammel, sattie, sattle, semita, semmit, sheila, shelta, shimal, shtetl, smalti, smeath, smilet, staith, statim, stealt, stelai, stemma, stilet, stithe, tahsil, tailet, talite, tamest, tamise, tammie, tashie, taslet, taties, teaish, teaism, tehsil, thames, theism, theist, themas, themis, thetas, thetis, tilths, tithal, tithes, titles, titmal

5 Letter Words for Metalsmith

ahems, aisle, alhet, aliet, alish, alist, alite, almeh, almes, amies, amish, amlet, amsel, ashet, astel, athel, atilt, attle, email, emits, emmas, ethal, etiam, haems, hails, hales, halms, halse, halte, halts, hamel, hames, hamli, haste, hatel, hates, hatte, hatti, heals, heast, heats, heils, heist, helas, helis, helms, hemal, hiate, hiems, hilsa, hilts, imams, islam, islet, ismal, isthm, istle, items, laeti, laith, lames, lathe, lathi, laths, latte, leams, leash, least, leath, leats, leish, lemma, liesh, liest, limas, limes, limma, litas, lites, lithe, liths, maile, mails, maims, maise, maist, males, malie, malis, malms, malts, mamie, mashi, mates, mathe, matie, matis, matte, matti, meals, meath, meats, meith, melam, melas, melia, melis, melts, mesal, metal, metas, meths, metis, miasm, miles, milha, milts, mimes, mites, mitts, mlitt, sahme, saith, salem, salet, salmi, samel, satem, selah, selma, semih, setal, shale, shalm, shalt, shame, sheal, sheat, shela, shema, shiel, shita, sieth, simal, sithe, sitta, slait, slate, slath, slime, slite, smalm, smalt, smelt, smeth, smile, smite, smith, stail, stale, state, steal, steam, steil, stela, stema, stile, stilt, stime, stite, stith, tahil, tails, taise, taish, taits, tales, talis, tames, tamil, tamis, taste, tates, taths, tatie, teals, teams, teats, teils, telia, tesla, testa, teths, thaim, thats, theat, theia, thema, theta, tiles, tilth, tilts, times, timet, tithe, title, tmema

4 Letter Words for Metalsmith

ahem, aiel, aile, ails, aims, aith, aits, alem, ales, alme, alms, alts, amel, amie, amil, amis, amit, amli, ammi, asem, ates, atis, atle, atli, atte, east, eath, eats, eila, elhi, elms, elts, emit, emma, etas, etat, eths, haes, hail, hait, hale, halm, hals, halt, hame, hami, hams, hast, hate, hats, hatt, heal, heat, heil, hela, heli, helm, heml, hems, hest, hets, hies, hila, hile, hilt, hims, hist, hits, htel, html, ilea, ilth, imam, isle, isth, ital, itas, itel, item, laet, lahs, lait, lame, lamm, lams, lase, lash, last, late, lath, lati, lats, leam, leas, leat, leis, lest, lets, lett, lias, lies, lima, lime, lish, list, lite, lith, lits, maes, mail, maim, male, mali, malm, mals, malt, mams, mase, mash, mast, mate, math, mats, meal, meas, meat, mela, mels, melt, mems, mesa, mesh, mest, meta, meth, mets, miae, mias, mila, mile, mils, milt, mima, mime, mist, mite, mitt, sail, saim, sale, salt, same, samh, sami, sate, sati, seah, seal, seam, seat, seil, seit, selt, semi, seta, seth, sett, sham, shea, shem, shet, shia, shim, shit, sial, siam, sila, sile, silt, sima, sime, sita, site, sith, slam, slat, slim, slit, stam, stat, stem, stet, stie, stim, tael, tail, tais, tait, tale, tali, tame, tams, tash, tate, tath, tats, teal, team, teas, teat, teil, tela, teli, tels, telt, tems, test, teth, tets, thae, thai, that, thea, them, this, ties, tile, tils, tilt, time, tite, tits, tshi, tsia

3 Letter Words for Metalsmith

aes, ahi, ahs, ail, aim, ais, ait, ale, als, alt, ame, ami, amt, ase, ash, asl, ast, ate, atm, att, eam, eas, eat, ehs, ela, eli, elm, els, elt, ems, esm, est, eta, eth, hae, ham, has, hat, hei, hel, hem, hes, het, hia, hie, him, his, hit, hmm, hts, ihs, ile, ise, ish, isl, ism, ist, ita, its, lah, lai, lam, las, lat, lea, lei, lem, les, let, lie, lim, lis, lit, lst, ltm, mae, mal, mam, mas, mat, mea, meh, mei, mel, mem, mes, met, mia, mil, mim, mis, mit, mls, msh, msl, mst, mts, sah, sai, sal, sam, sat, sea, sei, sel, sem, set, sha, she, shi, sht, sie, sil, sim, sit, sla, sle, slt, sma, sml, sta, stm, tai, tal, tam, tas, tat, tea, tel, tem, tes, tet, tha, the, thm, tie, til, tim, tis, tit, tmh, tsh, tsi, tst

Definitions for Metalsmith

[1] a person skilled in making articles of metal.

Words nearby Metalsmith

metallotherapy, metallothionein, metallurgy, metalmark, metalogic, metalsmith, metalware, metalwork, metalworking, metamale, metamathematics

Origin of Metalsmith

1350–1400; Middle English. See metal, smith