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Showing words for METHYLNAPHTHALENE using the English dictionary

17 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene


13 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene


11 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene

naphthalene, naphthylene

10 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene

antetemple, lentamente, tenemental, tenmantale

9 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene

allayment, anthemene, elemental, elephanta, enanthema, heathenly, heelplate, heptylene, hetmanate, hymenaeal, hyphenate, maltalent, melphalan, metapelet, metaphyte, methanate, methylate, methylene, nameplate, naphthene, nymphette, palmately, panetella, patellate, peltately, pentylene, phenethyl, phenylate, phenylene, phthalate, telepathy, thelement

8 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene

anaphyte, anatheme, anethene, antehall, antethem, antetype, anthelae, elephant, empannel, enanthem, entalent, entemple, enthalpy, entheate, ethylate, ethylene, heelpath, helpmate, hymenaea, hymeneal, hymenean, latently, latheman, lymnaean, malleate, malthene, mantelet, matthean, meethelp, melanthy, mentally, menthane, menthene, metatype, methanal, methenyl, methylal, nametape, naphthyl, natantly, nepenthe, nymphaea, nympheal, nymphean, pallette, palmette, panetela, pantalet, patellae, patentee, patently, pathment, pathname, phthalan, phthalyl, planetal, plantlet, platelet, plateman, platemen, playmate, talepyet, tallyman, tallymen, telepath, teleplay, teletape, teletype, template, tenement, tentamen, thalthan, themelet, tympanal, yeelaman

7 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene

alhenna, amalett, amental, amylate, amylene, anathem, anthela, anthema, anthemy, apetaly, aphthae, aplenty, atelene, atellan, athenee, athleta, athlete, attaleh, element, emanant, emanate, emanent, empathy, emplane, enatant, enplane, entally, entayle, entelam, entente, entheal, enthean, epatant, ethanal, ethenyl, hallman, haptene, healthy, heathen, heeltap, hellene, hellman, hematal, heptane, heptene, heptyne, hymenal, hyphema, hypnale, lametta, lampate, lamplet, layette, leatman, leatmen, leelane, leetman, leetmen, leptene, lethean, maleate, manatee, manteel, mantlet, mateley, mayenne, mehalla, mellate, melteth, menthan, menthyl, metally, methane, methene, mylanta, naphtha, natally, nephele, nymphae, nymphal, nymphet, paleate, palette, palmate, panthea, patella, patente, pathema, pathlet, payment, peatman, peatmen, peelman, pellaea, pellate, pellety, pelmata, peltate, penally, penalty, penname, pennate, pentane, pentene, pentyne, peteman, petemen, phellem, phenate, phenene, phymata, phytane, phytate, planate, planeta, plantae, plantal, platane, platten, playlet, playman, tallate, tallent, tannate, tapeman, tapemen, tapetal, teatman, teleman, telemen, telpath, tempete, tenthly, tetanal, thannah, themata, thymate, thymele, thymene

6 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene

aenean, alahee, alanyl, aletap, alette, allene, almaty, alnath, alpeen, alphyl, alphyn, althea, amante, amelet, amenta, amenty, amylan, amytal, anally, analyt, ananym, aneath, anhele, annale, annaly, anneal, anteal, anthem, apathy, apelet, apeman, apemen, apheta, aphtha, apneal, aptate, athena, athene, atlatl, attame, atteal, eathly, elanet, elaphe, empale, empall, enaena, enamel, enhelm, enleen, entame, entete, epenla, ephete, ethane, ethene, ethnal, ethyne, eyalet, eyelet, halely, hallah, hallan, hamate, hamelt, hamlah, hamlet, hantle, hapten, health, heaten, heathy, helena, helenn, helmet, helply, hempen, henley, henpen, heptal, heptyl, hethen, hetman, heynne, heypen, hyemal, hyetal, hylean, hymnal, hypate, hyphae, hyphal, hyphen, lamany, lamely, lament, lanate, lanely, lanete, lateen, lately, latent, latham, lathee, lathen, latten, layman, laymen, lealty, leanly, leetle, lethal, lethee, letten, lyttae, mahaly, mahant, malate, mallee, mallet, maltha, manent, manlet, mannet, mantal, mantel, mantle, mately, mayhap, mayten, maythe, meanly, meatal, meathe, meeten, meetly, melena, melene, mellah, mellay, mental, mentee, mentha, menthe, metall, metaph, metate, metely, metepa, methyl, mettle, nallah, namely, nantle, napalm, natale, natant, nattle, neaten, neatly, nemean, nempne, nepeta, nepman, nepmen, netman, netmen, nettle, nettly, nympha, paella, palame, palate, paleae, paleal, palely, pallae, pallah, pallet, palmae, pament, panela, panman, pannam, pannel, pantle, patent, pathan, pattee, patten, pattle, payena, peahen, pelean, pelham, pellet, pelmet, peltae, pelyte, penman, penmen, pennal, pennet, penney, pentel, pentyl, petaly, petate, pettah, pettle, pheeal, phenyl, phylae, planet, planta, platan, platea, platen, platly, platte, platty, playte, plenty, pyalla, taheen, talant, taleae, talent, tallat, tallet, talpae, tamale, tamely, tampan, tannah, tannyl, tantle, tapeta, tapete, taplet, tapnet, teaman, teanal, teathe, teenet, teenty, teetan, teethe, teethy, teleph, tellee, tellen, telnet, temene, tempeh, temple, tenant, tenent, tetany, thanah, thanan, thanna, thatll, thenal, thenne, theyll, tympan, yampee, yannam, yetapa

5 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene

aetat, aheap, ahent, alane, alant, alate, aleph, aleye, alhet, allah, allan, allay, allee, allen, alley, almah, almeh, alpen, alpha, amant, amate, ameen, amene, ament, amlet, ample, amply, anele, anent, anlet, annal, annam, annat, annet, antae, antal, apnea, aptly, atame, ately, athel, atlee, atman, attal, attap, attle, ayelp, aylet, eaten, eathe, eeten, elamp, elate, elayl, eleme, ellan, ellen, elmen, elpee, emane, emlen, empty, enapt, enate, enema, enemy, enent, enhat, enlay, ental, entea, entte, ephah, etape, ethal, ethel, ethyl, ettle, etyma, halal, halma, halte, hamal, haman, hamel, hanap, hanna, haply, hatel, hatte, hatty, hayle, hayne, heame, heapy, heath, helen, helly, hemal, heman, hemen, hempy, henen, henna, henny, hyena, hymen, hypha, hythe, lamel, lamna, laney, lapel, latah, laten, lathe, lathy, latte, layne, leany, leapt, leath, lehay, leman, lemel, lemna, lenth, lepal, lepta, lethe, lethy, leyte, llama, lymph, lythe, lytta, mahal, mahat, malay, malee, malta, malty, manal, manat, maneh, manet, maney, manly, manna, manny, manta, manty, maple, matey, matha, mathe, matta, matte, mayan, maynt, mealy, meane, meant, meany, meath, meaty, meeth, melee, melty, menat, menta, metae, metal, metel, meynt, myall, nahal, nalla, napal, napea, natal, nathe, natty, neath, neela, neele, nelly, nempt, nenta, nepal, netty, npeel, nyala, nymph, paean, palay, palea, palet, palla, pally, palma, palmy, palta, pamhy, panel, panne, patee, patel, paten, pathy, patly, patta, patte, patty, payee, payen, peaty, peele, pelma, pelta, penal, penna, penne, penny, penta, petal, petty, phaet, phane, pheal, phene, phyla, phyle, phyma, plane, plant, plate, platy, playa, pleat, plena, pleny, talea, tally, talma, talpa, tamal, tampa, tanan, tanha, tanna, tanny, tapen, tapet, teaey, teaty, teene, teeny, teeth, teety, tehee, tellt, telly, telyn, teman, tempe, tempt, tenet, tenla, tenne, tenny, tenth, tenty, tepal, tepee, tetel, thala, thana, thane, thatn, theah, theat, theet, thema, theme, theta, thete, thyme, typal, typha, tythe, yahan, yalla, yalta, yamen, yampa, yamph, yanan, yealm, yemen, yenta, yente

4 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene

ahem, ahey, alae, alan, alap, alay, alee, alem, alen, alep, ally, alma, alme, amah, amal, amay, amel, amen, amla, amyl, anal, anam, anan, anat, anay, anet, anna, anne, anta, ante, apay, atap, atle, atma, atta, atte, attn, atty, ayah, ayen, ayme, ayne, eale, eath, eely, elan, elem, elle, elmy, elne, empt, enam, epee, epha, etat, eten, ethe, etna, etym, eyah, eyen, eyne, haen, haha, hala, hale, hall, halm, halp, halt, hame, hant, hate, hath, hatt, haya, haye, heal, heap, heat, heel, heep, hela, hele, hell, helm, help, heme, heml, hemp, hent, hept, hete, heth, htel, html, http, hyen, hyla, hyle, hymn, hyne, hype, hypt, hyte, laen, laet, lama, lame, lamp, lana, lane, lant, lata, late, lath, leal, leam, lean, leap, leat, leep, leet, leme, lena, lene, lent, lepa, lete, lett, llyn, lyam, lyme, lyne, lynn, lyte, maat, maha, mala, male, mall, malt, mana, mane, mant, many, mata, mate, math, maty, maya, meal, mean, meat, meet, mela, mele, mell, melt, mene, ment, meny, meta, mete, meth, myal, myel, myna, myth, naam, naan, nael, nala, nale, name, nana, nane, nant, napa, nape, natl, neal, neap, neat, neem, neep, neet, nema, nemn, nene, nepa, nete, neth, nyet, nypa, paal, paha, pala, pale, pall, palm, palt, paly, pana, pane, pant, pata, pate, path, patt, paty, paye, payt, peal, pean, peat, peel, peen, pela, pele, pell, pelt, pene, pent, peta, pete, phat, plan, plat, play, plea, ptah, pyal, pyat, pyet, pyla, pyne, taal, tael, taen, taha, tala, tale, tall, tame, tamp, tana, tane, tanh, tapa, tape, tate, tath, teal, team, tean, teap, teat, teel, teem, teen, teet, tela, tele, tell, telt, teme, temp, tene, tent, tepa, tepe, tete, teth, thae, than, that, thea, thee, them, then, they, tyee, tymp, tyne, type, tyte, yale, yama, yamp, yana, yapa, yate, yeah, yean, yeat, yeel, yell, yelm, yelp, yelt, yeta, yeth, yett, ylem, ympe, ympt

3 Letter Words for Methylnaphthalene

aah, aal, aam, aha, ahh, ala, ale, all, aln, alp, alt, aly, ama, ame, amp, amt, amy, ana, ane, ann, ant, any, apa, ape, aph, apl, apt, ate, atm, atp, att, aye, eam, ean, eat, eel, een, ela, ell, elm, elt, eme, emp, ene, enl, epa, eta, eth, ety, eye, eyl, eyn, hae, ham, han, hap, hat, hay, hee, heh, hel, hem, hen, hep, het, hey, hny, hye, hyp, laa, lah, lam, lan, lap, lat, lay, lea, lee, lem, lep, let, ley, llm, lpm, lpn, ltm, lye, lym, lyn, maa, mae, mal, man, map, mat, may, mea, mee, meh, mel, men, met, mna, mph, mtn, mya, naa, nae, nah, nam, nap, nat, nay, nea, nee, nep, net, nne, nth, nye, pah, pal, pam, pan, pat, pay, pea, pee, peh, pel, pen, pet, pht, ply, pmt, pta, pte, ptt, pty, pya, pye, taa, tal, tam, tan, tap, tat, tay, tea, tee, tel, tem, ten, tet, tha, the, thm, thy, tln, tmh, tnt, tph, tpm, tty, tye, typ, tyt, yah, yam, yan, yap, yat, yea, yee, yeh, yen, yep, yet

Definitions for Methylnaphthalene

[1] a compound, C1 1 H1 0 , whose alpha isomer, a colorless liquid, is used in determining cetane numbers.
[2] either of two isomeric derivatives of naphthalene: a liquid (1-methylnaphthalene), used in standardizing diesel fuels, or a solid (2-methylnaphthalene), an insecticide

Words nearby Methylnaphthalene

methylidyne group, methylisobutenyl ketone, methylmalonic aciduria, methylmercury, methylmorphine, methylnaphthalene, methylol, methylparaben, methylpentose, methylphenidate, methylphenylcarbinyl acetate

Origin of Methylnaphthalene

First recorded in 1880–85; methyl- + naphthalene