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Showing words for MIASMATIC using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Miasmatic
7 Letter Words for Miasmatic
6 Letter Words for Miasmatic
5 Letter Words for Miasmatic
4 Letter Words for Miasmatic
3 Letter Words for Miasmatic
Definitions for Miasmatic
[1] noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere.
[2] a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere.
[3] an unwholesome or oppressive atmosphere
[4] pollution in the atmosphere, esp noxious vapours from decomposing organic matter
Words related to Miasmatic
miasmadevastating, noxious, deadly, poisonous, virulent, malicious, harmful, toxic, nefarious, detrimental, dangerous, lethal, ruinous, destructive, damaging, fatal, vicious, pernicious, venomous, endemic
Words nearby Miasmatic
miasmamiao, miao-yao, miaou, miaow, miaskovsky, miasma, miass, miaul, miazine, mib, mic
Origin of Miasmatic
1655–65; < New Latin < Greek míasma stain, pollution, akin to miaínein to pollute, stain
Other words from Miasmatic
mi·as·mal , mi·as·mat·ic [mahy-az-mat -ik] /ˌmaɪ æzˈmæt ɪk/ , mi·as·mat·i·cal , mi·as·mic , adjective
un·mi·as·mal , adjective
un·mi·as·mat·ic , adjective
un·mi·as·mat·i·cal , adjective
un·mi·as·mic , adjective
Word origin for Miasmatic
C17: New Latin, from Greek: defilement, from miainein to defile
Synonyms for Miasmatic
damaging, dangerous, deadly, destructive, detrimental, devastating, harmful, lethal, malicious, nefarious, noxious, poisonous, ruinous, toxic, virulent, baleful, deleterious, evil, fatal, iniquitous, injurious, killing, maleficent, malevolent, malign, malignant, miasmic, mortal, noisome, offensive, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, prejudicial, sinister, venomous, wicked