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Showing words for MICROPHOTOGRAPH using the English dictionary
15 Letter Words for Microphotograph
microphotograph, photomicrograph
13 Letter Words for Microphotograph
12 Letter Words for Microphotograph
morphotropic, orthographic, orthomorphic, photographic, protomorphic
11 Letter Words for Microphotograph
chromograph, graphomotor, haptophoric, homographic, motographic, orthophoria, orthophoric, paroophoric, pathophoric, tomographic, topographic
10 Letter Words for Microphotograph
chirograph, chorograph, chromophor, gamotropic, micrograph, ophiomorph, orographic, orthograph, photograph, pictograph, protograph, protomorph
9 Letter Words for Microphotograph
agrimotor, chartroom, haptophor, homograph, homotopic, horograph, microphot, morphotic, motograph, omophagic, omophoria, optigraph, photogram, pictogram, porogamic, prophoric, protocorm, rotograph, tomograph, topograph, triamorph
8 Letter Words for Microphotograph
agitprop, amorphic, amphoric, atrophic, carpompi, chatroom, chorioma, coatroom, compotor, comptoir, gomorrah, gomorrha, gromatic, highmoor, hipparch, horopito, impactor, migrator, morocota, mortorio, motorcar, oophoric, optogram, oratoric, oratorio, orograph, paroptic, parritch, photomap, photopia, photopic, phratric, phthoric, picogram, pompatic, pororoca, proactor, prochooi, progamic, promorph, promotor, prothmia, trichoma, trigraph, trimorph
7 Letter Words for Microphotograph
agitpop, agoroth, airport, amchoor, amorphi, aphotic, aphthic, apomict, apothgm, apricot, aprotic, argotic, armhoop, atropic, camphor, carport, chariot, charpit, chhatri, choragi, chorogi, compart, comport, coragio, corpora, cortaro, crampit, goitcho, graphic, haricot, harmoot, hightop, hormigo, morphia, morphic, motocar, motoric, ochroma, oghamic, oograph, paritor, parotic, patrico, pharmic, photoma, phrator, picotah, pigroot, pochoir, porogam, porotic, porrigo, portico, potamic, potomac, procarp, proctor, program, prootic, propago, propoma, proport, propria, protoma, ptarmic, rapport, rootcap, rorippa, taproom, toparch, tophphi, torgoch, triarch, trigram, trochar, trophic
6 Letter Words for Microphotograph
agorot, agriot, agrito, ahchoo, amorph, aortic, apport, archit, aright, armpit, atomic, atopic, cahoot, campho, campit, campoo, capomo, captor, carhop, carmot, carrom, carrot, cartop, cathop, cathro, chaori, charro, chimar, chitra, choora, chorgi, choria, chorio, chroma, chromo, cogito, cohort, comart, compar, compot, copart, copita, coppra, coprah, corita, cotham, cotoro, crappo, croppa, gamori, garroo, garrot, gathic, gharri, gocart, gomari, gomart, gotcha, gotham, gothic, graith, hachoo, haptic, haptor, harico, hiphop, hirtch, homrai, hormic, horrah, hotcha, igorot, impact, impart, impoor, import, marcor, marcot, marrot, matico, matipo, matric, mirach, mithra, mohair, mohria, moocah, moocha, mootch, morcha, morpho, mortar, octroi, ogamic, omotic, oomiac, oompah, oporto, optima, orator, orchat, orgiac, orphic, orthic, ortiga, paroch, parrot, partim, pathic, phatic, phoria, photic, photog, photom, phthor, picaro, piroot, pogrom, pomato, poorga, poroma, portia, portio, primar, pritch, proach, proart, promic, promit, prompt, propio, ragtop, raport, raptor, rhachi, rhotic, righto, riprap, rocroi, romaic, roomth, roopit, thairm, thiram, thoria, thoric, thrimp, tomrig, topcap, torpor, tragic, tricar, trocar, trocha, trochi, trophi, tropia, tropic, troppo
5 Letter Words for Microphotograph
achoo, achor, actor, agoho, agric, agrom, ahigh, airth, aitch, amigo, amort, amphi, amrit, apoop, aport, appmt, appro, archt, argot, ariot, arith, armit, armor, aroph, arrgt, artic, atrip, cagit, cagot, cahot, cairo, campi, campo, capot, capri, cargo, carom, carot, carpi, carri, chair, chait, champ, charm, charr, chart, chati, chiao, chimo, chimp, chirm, chiro, chirp, chirr, chirt, choga, choir, chomp, choom, choop, chopa, chort, chota, chria, cigar, cimar, cipro, coapt, coart, coati, cogit, cohog, compo, compt, coopt, cooth, copia, coppa, copra, corah, coram, corgi, coria, coroa, corta, craig, cramp, crimp, crith, croat, ctimo, gamic, garoo, garth, gatch, gator, ghoom, gippo, girth, gompa, gooma, goric, gorra, gotch, gotha, gotra, graip, gramp, graph, grimp, griot, griph, gript, grith, groat, groma, groom, groop, groot, hacht, haith, haori, harim, hatch, hathi, hicht, hight, higra, hippo, hitch, hooch, hoppo, horah, hotch, hothr, ichor, ichth, igapo, ihram, imago, impar, impot, machi, macho, macro, magic, magot, maori, march, marco, maroc, maror, marri, match, mhorr, micah, micht, micro, might, mirth, mitch, mitra, mocha, mohar, moira, mooch, mooth, morat, morga, moria, moric, moroc, moror, morph, morra, morro, morta, morth, motor, oaric, ochro, ogham, ogmic, ohmic, omrah, oomph, ophic, ophir, optic, orach, orgia, orgic, orpit, ortho, pagri, pahmi, pairt, papio, parch, pargo, parti, parto, patch, patio, pharm, pharo, phoca, photo, phpht, picot, picra, pight, pipra, pirog, pirot, pitch, poach, pompa, pooch, poori, poort, porch, porgo, poria, porta, porto, potch, potoo, prahm, priam, prich, prima, primo, primp, prior, promo, propr, proto, rapic, ratch, ratio, ratoo, richt, right, rigor, roach, rocta, romic, rooti, roric, rotch, rotor, tachi, tacho, taich, taipo, tapir, taroc, tarri, tchai, thagi, thaim, tharm, thigh, thoom, thoro, thorp, thram, thrap, thrip, timar, timor, tirma, tomia, tophi, topia, topic, topog, topoi, torch, toric, torma, tragi, tramp, triac, trica, triga, trigo, trior, troca, troch, troco, troic, tromp, troop
4 Letter Words for Microphotograph
acop, acor, acpt, actg, acth, agio, agit, airt, aith, amic, amit, amor, apio, appt, arch, arco, argh, argo, arri, atip, atmo, atoc, atom, atop, cair, cami, camo, camp, caph, capi, capo, capt, carp, carr, cart, cath, chai, cham, chao, chap, char, chat, chia, chih, chip, chit, chop, ciao, cima, cipo, cira, cito, coat, coho, coir, coit, coma, comp, comr, coom, coop, coot, copa, copr, copt, cora, corm, corp, corr, cort, coth, coto, crag, cram, crap, crig, crim, crip, crit, croh, crop, gair, gait, gamp, gapo, gari, gart, gath, ghat, gimp, giro, girr, girt, gith, goar, goat, goop, goor, gora, gorm, gorp, goth, goto, gram, grat, grim, grip, grit, grot, hagi, hair, hait, hami, harm, haro, harp, harr, hart, hath, high, himp, hipt, hiro, hoar, hoch, hoga, hogh, hogo, hoho, hoit, homo, hoom, hoop, hoot, hopi, hora, hort, hoth, hoti, iago, icao, icho, iota, itch, itmo, mach, maco, magh, magi, mair, maoi, mapo, marc, marg, mari, maro, mart, math, mica, mico, miro, moat, moca, moch, moco, mogo, moha, moho, mohr, moio, moir, moit, mooi, moop, moor, moot, moph, mora, morg, moro, mort, mota, moth, oath, ocht, octa, ogam, ohia, ohio, omao, omit, opah, opai, oppo, orca, orch, orig, orra, orth, otic, paco, pact, pahi, paho, paip, pair, parc, pari, parp, parr, part, path, pato, phar, phat, phit, phoh, phoo, phot, pica, pich, pico, pict, pima, pimp, pipa, pirr, pita, pith, poco, pogo, poha, pomo, pomp, pooa, pooh, poop, poor, poot, porc, porr, port, poti, prag, pram, prao, prat, prig, prim, prio, proa, proc, prog, prom, proo, prop, ptah, rach, ragi, rait, rami, ramp, rapt, rath, rato, rcpt, rich, riga, rima, riot, ripa, ripp, ript, rita, roam, roar, roch, roit, roma, romp, room, roop, root, ropp, rort, rota, rotc, roti, roto, tach, taco, tahr, taig, tamp, tari, taro, tarp, tarr, tchr, thai, thar, thig, thio, thir, thoo, thor, thro, tiao, tiar, tich, tirr, toch, toco, toga, togo, toho, toom, toop, toph, topi, topo, torc, tori, toro, torr, trac, trag, trah, tram, trap, trig, trim, trio, trip, trog, trop
3 Letter Words for Microphotograph
ach, act, ago, agr, agt, ahh, ahi, aho, aim, air, ait, ami, amp, amt, aor, apc, aph, app, apr, apt, arc, arg, arm, arr, art, atm, atp, cag, cai, cam, cap, car, cat, cgm, cha, chg, chi, chm, cho, cia, cig, cir, cit, cog, com, coo, cop, cor, cot, cpa, cpi, cpm, cpo, cpr, cpt, cro, crt, ctg, cto, ctr, gam, gap, gar, gat, gim, gio, git, gmt, goa, goi, goo, gop, gor, got, gph, gpm, gra, gro, grr, gtc, hag, ham, hao, hap, hat, hgt, hia, hic, him, hip, hir, hit, hmo, hoa, hoc, hog, hoh, hoi, hom, hoo, hop, hor, hot, iao, ich, ihp, imo, imp, iph, ipm, ipo, ipr, ira, ita, mac, mag, mao, map, mar, mat, mcg, mgr, mgt, mhg, mho, mia, mic, mig, mir, mit, moa, moc, mog, moi, moo, mop, mor, mot, mpg, mph, mri, mtg, oam, oar, oat, oca, och, oct, ohm, oho, ooh, oom, oop, oor, oot, opa, opp, opt, ora, orc, org, ort, otc, oto, pac, pah, pam, pap, par, pat, pci, pcm, pcp, pct, phi, pho, phr, pht, pia, pic, pig, pip, pir, pit, pmt, poa, poh, poi, pom, poo, pop, por, pot, ppa, pph, ppi, ppm, ppr, ppt, prc, pro, prp, pta, ptg, ptp, rag, rah, rai, ram, rap, rat, rct, rha, rho, ria, rig, rim, rio, rip, rit, roc, rog, roi, rom, roo, rot, rpm, rpt, rti, tag, tai, tam, tao, tap, tar, tch, tcp, tha, thm, tho, tic, tig, tim, tip, tmh, toa, toc, tog, toi, tom, too, top, tor, tph, tpi, tpm, tra, tri, trm, trp
Definitions for Microphotograph
[1] microfilm(def 1) .
[2] a small photograph requiring optical enlargement to render it visible in detail.
[3] a photomicrograph.
[4] a photograph in which the image is greatly reduced and therefore requires optical enlargement for viewing purposes
[5] a less common name for microcopy, photomicrograph (def. 1)
Words nearby Microphotograph
microphanerophyte, microphone, microphonia, microphonic, microphonism, microphotograph, microphotometer, microphthalmia, microphyll, microphysics, microphyte
Origin of Microphotograph
First recorded in 1855–60; micro- + photograph
Other words from Microphotograph
mi·cro·pho·to·graph·ic [mahy-kruh -foh-tuh -graf -ik] /ˌmaɪ krəˌfoʊ təˈgræf ɪk/ , adjective
mi·cro·pho·tog·ra·phy [mahy-kroh-fuh -tog -ruh -fee] /ˌmaɪ kroʊ fəˈtɒg rə fi/ , noun