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Showing words for MID using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Mid
Definitions for Mid
[1] being at or near the middle point of: in mid autumn.
[2] being or occupying a middle place or position: in the mid nineties of the last century.
[3] Phonetics . (of a vowel) articulated with an opening above the tongue relatively intermediate between those for high and low: the vowels of beet, bet, and hot are respectively high, mid, and low. Compare high(def 23) , low1(def 30) .
[4] Archaic . the middle.
[5] amid.
[6] a midshipman.
[7] a combining form representing mid1 in compound words: midday; mid-Victorian.
[8] middle.
[9] Midshipman.
[10] Master of Industrial Design.
[11] phonetics of, relating to, or denoting a vowel whose articulation lies approximately halfway between high and low, such as e in English bet
[12] an archaic word for middle
[13] a poetic word for amid
[14] indicating a middle part, point, time, or position midday ; mid-April ; mid-Victorian
[15] middle
[16] Midshipman
Words related to Mid
central, halfway, intermediate, medial, middle
Words nearby Mid
micrurgical, micrurgy, miction, micturate, micturition, mid, mid glamorgan, mid off, mid on, mid wicket off, mid wicket on
Origin of Mid
-Middle English, Old English; see mid1
Word origin for Mid
-Old English; see middle , mid 1