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Showing words for MINERAL using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Mineral

lairmen, manlier, marline, mineral, railmen, ramline

6 Letter Words for Mineral

airmen, aliner, almner, aniler, armine, enrail, lainer, lanier, larine, limner, linear, mailer, mainer, maline, marine, marlin, menial, merlin, milner, nailer, remail, remain, renail

5 Letter Words for Mineral

aimer, alien, amine, amire, anile, anime, ariel, armil, armin, elain, email, enami, enarm, inarm, inerm, irena, laine, lamer, lamin, larin, learn, leman, lemna, liane, liman, limen, limer, linea, liner, maile, maine, maire, malie, manei, manie, marie, marle, marli, melia, meril, milan, miler, minae, minar, miner, namer, neral, raile, raine, ramen, ramie, ramin, ranli, realm, reina, reman, renal, rimae, rimal

4 Letter Words for Mineral

aiel, aile, aine, aire, airn, alem, alen, alin, alme, amel, amen, amie, amil, amin, amli, anil, anim, anre, aren, aril, arle, arni, earl, earn, eila, eira, elan, emir, enam, eral, eria, erin, iare, ilea, iman, iran, laen, laer, lain, lair, lame, lane, lare, lari, larn, leam, lean, lear, leir, lena, liar, lien, lier, lima, lime, limn, lina, line, lira, lire, mail, main, mair, male, mali, mane, mani, mare, mari, marl, meal, mean, mear, mein, mela, meri, merl, miae, mian, mien, mila, mile, mine, mire, mrna, nael, nail, nale, name, nare, neal, near, nema, nile, nirl, rail, rain, rale, rame, rami, rane, real, ream, rean, reim, rein, rial, riel, riem, rile, rima, rime, rine

3 Letter Words for Mineral

aer, ail, aim, ain, air, ale, aln, ame, ami, ane, are, arm, arn, eam, ean, ear, eir, ela, eli, elm, enl, era, ern, ile, ira, ire, lai, lam, lan, lar, lea, lei, lem, ler, lie, lim, lin, lir, lnr, mae, mal, man, mar, mea, mei, mel, men, mer, mia, mil, min, mir, mna, mri, nae, nam, nar, nea, nei, nie, nil, nim, rai, ram, ran, rea, rei, rel, rem, ria, rie, rim, rin, rle, rna

Definitions for Mineral

[1] any of a class of substances occurring in nature, usually comprising inorganic substances, as quartz or feldspar, of definite chemical composition and usually of definite crystal structure, but sometimes also including rocks formed by these substances as well as certain natural products of organic origin, as asphalt or coal.
[2] a substance obtained by mining, as ore.
[3] (loosely) any substance that is neither animal nor vegetable.
[4] minerals, British . mineral water.
[5] Nutrition . any of the inorganic elements, as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, or sodium, that are essential to the functioning of the human body and are obtained from foods.
[6] of the nature of a mineral; pertaining to a mineral or minerals.
[7] containing or impregnated with a mineral or minerals.
[8] neither animal nor vegetable; inorganic: mineral matter.
[9] mineralogical.
[10] mineralogy.
[11] any of a class of naturally occurring solid inorganic substances with a characteristic crystalline form and a homogeneous chemical composition
[12] any inorganic matter
[13] any substance obtained by mining, esp a metal ore
[14] (often plural) British short for mineral water
[15] British a soft drink containing carbonated water and flavourings Usual US word: soda
[16] of, relating to, containing, or resembling minerals
[17] mineralogy or mineralogical

Words related to Mineral

golden, silvery, alloy, ore, ingot, hardware, food, fiber, vitamin, metal, rubble, lava, earth, gravel, slab, crystal, grain, rock, gem, pebble

Words nearby Mineral

miner's dial, miner's inch, miner's lettuce, miner's lung, miner's right, mineral, mineral charcoal, mineral jelly, mineral kingdom, mineral oil, mineral pitch

Origin of Mineral

1375–1425; late Middle English < Middle French, Old French mineral < Medieval Latin minerāle (noun), minerālis (adj.), equivalent to miner(a ) mine, ore (< Old French miniere < Vulgar Latin *mināria; min- (see mine2) + Latin -āria -ary) + -āle, -ālis -al1

Other words from Mineral

non·min·er·al , noun, adjective
sem·i·min·er·al , adjective

Word origin for Mineral

C15: from Medieval Latin minerāle (n), from minerālis (adj); related to minera mine, ore, of uncertain origin

Synonyms for Mineral

azoic, cold, dead, defunct, dull, exanimate, extinct, idle, inactive, inert, inoperative, insensate, insentient, lifeless, motionless, nonanimal, nonvegetable, quiescent, soulless, spiritless