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Showing words for MISERY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Misery
5 Letter Words for Misery
4 Letter Words for Misery
3 Letter Words for Misery
Definitions for Misery
[1] wretchedness of condition or circumstances.
[2] distress or suffering caused by need, privation, or poverty.
[3] great mental or emotional distress; extreme unhappiness.
[4] a cause or source of distress.
[5] Older Use . a pain: a misery in my left side. rheumatism. Often miseries. a case or period of despondency or gloom.
[6] intense unhappiness, discomfort, or suffering; wretchedness
[7] a cause of such unhappiness, discomfort, etc
[8] squalid or poverty-stricken conditions
[9] British informal a person who is habitually depressed he is such a misery
[10] dialect a pain or ailment
Words related to Misery
heartache, gloom, hardship, torture, agony, sorrow, discomfort, grief, squalor, suffering, despair, torment, woe, passion, anguish, sadness, worry, headache, misfortune, anxiety
Words nearby Misery
miserabilist, miserable, miserere, misericord, miserly, misery, misery index, misery loves company, misesteem, misestimate, misfeasance
Origin of Misery
1325–75; Middle English miserie < Latin miseria, equivalent to miser wretched + -ia -y3
Word origin for Misery
C14: via Anglo-Norman from Latin miseria, from miser wretched
Synonyms for Misery
agony, anguish, despair, discomfort, gloom, grief, hardship, headache, heartache, passion, sadness, sorrow, squalor, suffering, torment, torture, woe, worry, ache, blues, depression, desolation, despondency, distress, dolor, hurting, melancholy, pang, stitch, throe, twinge, unhappiness, worriment, wretchedness, anvil chorus, bad news