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Showing words for MIST using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Mist
3 Letter Words for Mist
Definitions for Mist
[1] a cloudlike aggregation of minute globules of water suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface, reducing visibility to a lesser degree than fog.
[2] a cloud of particles resembling this: She sprayed a mist of perfume onto her handkerchief.
[3] something that dims, obscures, or blurs: the mist of ignorance.
[4] a haze before the eyes that dims the vision: a mist of tears.
[5] a suspension of a liquid in a gas.
[6] a drink of liquor served over cracked ice.
[7] a fine spray produced by a vaporizer to add moisture to the air for breathing.
[8] to become misty.
[9] to rain in very fine drops; drizzle (usually used impersonally with it as subject): It was misting when they went out for lunch.
[10] to make misty.
[11] to spray (plants) with a finely diffused jet of water, as a means of replacing lost moisture.
[12] (in prescriptions) a mixture.
[13] a thin fog resulting from condensation in the air near the earth's surface
[14] meteorol such an atmospheric condition with a horizontal visibility of 1–2 kilometres
[15] a fine spray of any liquid, such as that produced by an aerosol container
[16] chem a colloidal suspension of a liquid in a gas
[17] condensed water vapour on a surface that blurs the surface
[18] something that causes haziness or lack of clarity, such as a film of tears
[19] to cover or be covered with or as if with mist
Words related to Mist
rain, steam, fog, moisture, smog, dew, drizzle, cloud, spray, condensation, haze, soup, dim, sprinkle, murk, overcast, shower, blur, becloud, obscure
Words nearby Mist
misstate, misstep, misstrike, missus, missy, mist, mist., mistakable, mistake, mistake for, mistaken
Origin of Mist
.From the Latin word mistūra
Words that may be confused with Mist
Other words from Mist
mist·less , adjective
de·mist , verb (used with object)
un·der·mist , noun
Word origin for Mist
Old English; related to Middle Dutch, Swedish mist, Greek omikhlē fog
Synonyms for Mist
cloud, dew, drizzle, fog, moisture, rain, smog, steam, condensation, haze, soup, spray, brume, ground clouds, visibility zero