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Showing words for MITHRIDATE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Mithridate


8 Letter Words for Mithridate

admitter, dimetria, imitated, termitid, thiamide, tiremaid, triamide

7 Letter Words for Mithridate

airthed, airtime, attired, hartite, hematid, imitate, iridate, martite, miridae, mitrate, rathite, readmit, thermit, thiamid, timider, tradite, triamid, tritide

6 Letter Words for Mithridate

admire, ahmedi, airted, amitie, arditi, armied, attire, damier, dearth, dehair, derham, dirham, dirhem, dither, haired, hamite, hardie, hardim, harmed, hatred, hatted, hatter, hermai, hermit, himati, hitter, imaret, ittria, madrih, mairie, maitre, mariet, mariti, marted, mather, matier, matted, matter, mattie, mehari, mehtar, meriah, merida, methid, metria, mettar, midair, mirate, mirdha, mither, mithra, mitier, raited, rathed, ratite, ratted, rhimed, rimate, ritted, tahiti, tarted, tathed, tertia, tertii, tetard, tetrad, thairm, thiram, thread, threat, tidier, tirade, tithed, tither

5 Letter Words for Mithridate

aditi, admit, adret, aider, aimed, aimer, aired, airth, amide, amire, amrit, arett, arite, arith, armed, armet, armit, atmid, atter, attid, dairi, dairt, damie, darii, dater, deair, death, demit, derah, derat, derma, derth, detar, detat, dheri, dimer, dimit, diter, drame, drate, dream, earth, edith, ermit, ethid, etiam, hadit, haire, haiti, hamed, hared, harem, harim, hated, hater, hatte, hatti, heard, heart, hemad, herma, hermi, hiate, hider, hiera, hired, ideta, idite, ihram, imari, imide, irade, irate, ither, madre, mahdi, maiid, maire, mardi, marid, marie, mated, mater, mathe, matie, matte, matti, meath, media, medii, meith, merit, metad, metra, mired, mirid, mirth, miter, mitra, mtier, radii, rahed, ramed, ramet, ramie, rated, rathe, ratti, redia, rehid, remit, retia, rheda, rhema, rhime, rimae, rimed, rithe, tamed, tamer, tarde, tared, tarie, tarte, tater, tatie, teart, teiid, terai, terma, tetra, tetri, thaim, tharm, thatd, theat, theia, their, thema, therm, theta, third, thirt, thrae, thram, thrid, timar, timed, timer, timet, timid, tired, tirma, titar, titer, tithe, trade, trait, trame, tread, treat, triad, tride, tried, trite

4 Letter Words for Mithridate

adet, adit, admi, ahed, ahem, aide, aire, airt, aith, amdt, amid, amie, amit, ared, aret, arid, arte, ated, atte, daer, dame, dare, dari, dart, date, dear, deia, demi, derm, deti, dhai, diam, diem, dier, diet, dime, dire, dirt, dita, dite, ditt, dram, drat, drie, eadi, eard, eath, edam, edit, eira, emda, emir, emit, erat, eria, erth, etat, hade, hair, hait, hame, hami, hard, hare, harm, hart, hate, hatt, head, hear, heat, heid, heii, heir, hera, herd, herm, hert, hide, hied, hire, iare, idea, idem, imid, imit, ired, irid, itai, item, iter, made, maed, maid, mair, mard, mare, mari, mart, mate, math, mead, mear, meat, merd, meri, meta, meth, miae, mide, midi, mird, mire, miri, mite, mitt, rade, raid, rait, rame, rami, rate, rath, read, ream, reim, reit, retd, rhea, rhet, ride, riem, rima, rime, rita, rite, ritt, tade, taed, tahr, tait, tame, tare, tari, tart, tate, tath, tead, team, tear, teat, tehr, tera, term, teth, thae, thai, thar, that, thea, thed, them, thir, tiar, tide, tidi, tied, tier, time, tire, tite, titi, trad, trah, tram, trat, tret, trid, trie, trim, trit

3 Letter Words for Mithridate

ade, adh, adm, aer, ahi, aid, aim, air, ait, ame, ami, amt, ard, are, arm, art, ate, atm, att, dae, dah, dam, dar, dat, dea, dei, dem, der, det, dha, dia, die, dim, dir, dit, ead, eam, ear, eat, edh, eir, era, erd, ert, eta, eth, had, hae, ham, hat, hed, hei, hem, her, het, hia, hid, hie, him, hir, hit, ida, ide, ihi, imi, ira, ire, ita, itd, mad, mae, mar, mat, mea, med, meh, mei, mer, met, mia, mid, mir, mit, mrd, mri, mtd, rad, rah, rai, ram, rat, rea, red, reh, rei, rem, rha, rhd, rhe, ria, rid, rie, rim, rit, rte, rti, tad, tai, tam, tar, tat, tdr, tdt, tea, ted, tem, ter, tet, tha, thd, the, thm, tid, tie, tim, tit, tmh, tra, tri, trm, trt

Definitions for Mithridate

[1] a confection believed to contain an antidote to every poison.
[2] obsolete a substance believed to be an antidote to every poison and a cure for every disease

Words nearby Mithridate

mither, mithgarthr, mithraeum, mithraism, mithras, mithridate, mithridates vi, mithridatism, mithridatize, miticide, mitigate

Origin of Mithridate

1520–30; earlier mithridatum < Medieval Latin, variant of Late Latin mithridātium, noun use of neuter of Mithridātius, equivalent to Mithridāt(ēs ) Mithridates VI (see mithridatism) + -ius -ious

Word origin for Mithridate

C16: from Late Latin mithradatium, after Mithridates VI , alluding to his legendary immunity to poisons