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Showing words for MIXTURE using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Mixture


6 Letter Words for Mixture

iterum, meruit, remixt

5 Letter Words for Mixture

ermit, merit, mirex, miter, mixer, mtier, murex, muter, remit, remix, rumex, timer, timur, turme, urite, uteri

4 Letter Words for Mixture

emir, emit, etui, exit, item, iter, iure, meri, mire, mite, muir, mure, mute, muti, reim, reit, riem, rime, rimu, rite, rume, term, tier, time, tire, trie, trim, true, tume, turm, urim

3 Letter Words for Mixture

eir, emu, ert, exr, ext, imu, ire, mei, mer, met, meu, mir, mit, mix, mri, mtx, mut, mux, rei, rem, rex, rie, rim, rit, rix, rte, rti, rue, rum, rut, rux, tem, ter, tex, tie, tim, tiu, tri, trm, tue, tui, tum, tur, tux, uit, ume, ure, ute, uti

Definitions for Mixture

[1] a product of mixing.
[2] any combination or blend of different elements, kinds, qualities, etc.: a mixture of good and bad traits.
[3] Chemistry , Physics . an aggregate of two or more substances that are not chemically united and that exist in no fixed proportion to each other.
[4] a fabric woven of yarns combining various colors: a heather mixture.
[5] the act of mixing or the state of being mixed.
[6] an added element or ingredient; admixture.
[7] the act of mixing or state of being mixed
[8] something mixed; a result of mixing
[9] chem a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together without any chemical bonding between them
[10] pharmacol a liquid medicine in which an insoluble compound is suspended in the liquid
[11] music an organ stop that controls several ranks of pipes sounding the upper notes in a harmonic series
[12] the mixture of petrol vapour and air in an internal-combustion engine

Words related to Mixture

mix, concoction, variety, batter, stew, dough, blend, soup, commixture, jumble, goulash, amalgamation, union, hybrid, cross, composite, combine, mosaic, admixture, potpourri

Words nearby Mixture

mixtape, mixte, mixtec, mixteco, mixter-maxter, mixture, miyagawanella, miyazaki, mizar, mizoguchi, mizoram

Origin of Mixture

1425–75; late Middle English < Latin mixtūra, equivalent to mixt(us ) mixed + -ūra -ure

Other words from Mixture

su·per·mix·ture , noun

Word origin for Mixture

C16: from Latin mixtūra, from mixtus, past participle of miscēre to mix

Synonyms for Mixture

batter, blend, concoction, dough, mix, soup, stew, variety, admixture, adulteration, alloy, amalgam, amalgamation, assimilation, association, brew, combine, combo, commixture, composite, compound, confection, conglomeration, cross, crossing, fusion, goulash, hodgepodge, hybrid, hybridization, incorporation, infiltration, jumble, mash, medley, merger, mingling, miscellany, mishmash, mosaic, package, patchwork, potpourri, salmagundi, saturation, transfusion, union, grab bag, interfusion, mixed bag, mélange