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Showing words for MOBILIZED using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Mobilized
8 Letter Words for Mobilized
7 Letter Words for Mobilized
6 Letter Words for Mobilized
5 Letter Words for Mobilized
4 Letter Words for Mobilized
3 Letter Words for Mobilized
Definitions for Mobilized
[1] to assemble or marshal (armed forces, military reserves, or civilian persons of military age) into readiness for active service.
[2] to organize or adapt (industries, transportation facilities, etc.) for service to the government in time of war.
[3] to marshal, bring together, prepare (power, force, wealth, etc.) for action, especially of a vigorous nature: to mobilize one's energy.
[4] to increase or bring to a full stage of development: to mobilize one's anger.
[5] to be or become assembled, organized, etc., as for war: to mobilize for action.
[6] to prepare for war or other emergency by organizing (national resources, the armed services, etc)
[7] (tr) to organize for a purpose; marshal
[8] (tr) to put into motion, circulation, or use
Words related to Mobilized
mobilizeassemble, organize, marshal, prepare, activate, propel, muster, gather, actuate, drive, impel, ready, rally, animate, circulate, catalyze
Words nearby Mobilized
mobilizemobile phone, mobile unit, mobile web, mobility, mobility housing, mobilize, moble, moblog, mobo, mobocracy, mobs
Origin of Mobilized
1830–40; back formation from mobilization. See mobile, -ization
Other words from Mobilized
mo·bi·liz·a·ble , adjective
mo·bi·li·za·tion , noun
mo·bi·liz·er , noun
coun·ter·mo·bi·li·za·tion , noun
o·ver·mo·bi·lize , verb, o·ver·mo·bi·lized, o·ver·mo·bi·liz·ing.
re·mo·bi·li·za·tion , noun
re·mo·bi·lize , verb, re·mo·bi·lized, re·mo·bi·liz·ing.
un·mo·bi·lized , adjective
mo′bi•li•za′ tion (-lĭ-zā′ shən ) n.
Synonyms for Mobilized
assemble, marshal, organize, prepare, activate, actuate, animate, catalyze, circulate, drive, gather, impel, muster, propel, rally, ready, call to arms, call up, get ready, make ready, put in motion, set in motion, set off