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Showing words for MOCK using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Mock
3 Letter Words for Mock
Definitions for Mock
[1] to attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision.
[2] to ridicule by mimicry of action or speech; mimic derisively.
[3] to mimic, imitate, or counterfeit.
[4] to challenge; defy: His actions mock convention.
[5] to deceive, delude, or disappoint.
[6] to use ridicule or derision; scoff; jeer (often followed by at ).
[7] a contemptuous or derisive imitative action or speech; mockery or derision.
[8] something mocked or derided; an object of derision.
[9] an imitation; counterfeit; fake.
[10] Shipbuilding . a hard pattern representing the surface of a plate with a warped form, upon which the plate is beaten to shape after furnacing. bed(def 23) .
[11] feigned; not real; sham: a mock battle.
[12] mock up , to build a mock-up of.
[13] (when intr, often foll by at ) to behave with scorn or contempt (towards); show ridicule (for)
[14] (tr) to imitate, esp in fun; mimic
[15] (tr) to deceive, disappoint, or delude
[16] (tr) to defy or frustrate the team mocked the visitors' attempt to score
[17] the act of mocking
[18] a person or thing mocked
[19] a counterfeit; imitation
[20] (often plural) informal (in England and Wales) the school examinations taken as practice before public examinations
[21] sham or counterfeit
[22] serving as an imitation or substitute, esp for practice purposes a mock battle ; mock finals
Words related to Mock
make-believe, bogus, phony, simulated, tease, taunt, scoff, insult, deride, scorn, parody, imitate, lampoon, satirize, belie, defy, betray, dummy, ersatz, pseudo
Words nearby Mock
mocha stone, mocha ware, mochi, mochica, mochila, mock, mock chicken, mock epic, mock mold, mock moon, mock orange
Origin of Mock
1400–50; late Middle English mokken < Middle French mocquer
Other words from Mock
mock·a·ble , adjective
mock·er , noun
mock·ing·ly , adverb
self-mock·ing , adjective
un·mocked , adjective
un·mock·ing , adjective
un·mock·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Mock
C15: from Old French mocquer
Synonyms for Mock
bogus, make-believe, phony, simulated, counterfeit, dummy, ersatz, faked, feigned, forged, imitation, mimic, pretended, pseudo, put-on, sham, substitute, apish, false, fraudulent, hokey, imitative, quasi, so-called, spurious, unreal