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Showing words for MODICUM using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Modicum
6 Letter Words for Modicum
5 Letter Words for Modicum
4 Letter Words for Modicum
3 Letter Words for Modicum
Definitions for Modicum
[1] a moderate or small amount: He hasn't even a modicum of common sense.
[2] a small amount or portion
Words related to Modicum
shred, iota, ounce, speck, dash, touch, whit, trifle, little, minim, scrap, fraction, inch, jot, fragment, molecule, atom, mite, crumb, particle
Words nearby Modicum
modesty panel, modfet, modge, modgk, modheb, modicum, modif., modificand, modification, modificatory, modified american plan
Origin of Modicum
1425–75; late Middle English < Latin, noun use of neuter of modicus moderate, equivalent to modi-, combining form of modus limit (see mode1) + -cus adj. suffix
Word origin for Modicum
C15: from Latin: a little way, from modicus moderate
Synonyms for Modicum
iota, ounce, shred, atom, crumb, dash, drop, fraction, fragment, grain, inch, jot, little, minim, mite, molecule, particle, pinch, scrap, smidge, speck, tinge, touch, trifle, whit