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Showing words for MODULATE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Modulate
7 Letter Words for Modulate
6 Letter Words for Modulate
5 Letter Words for Modulate
4 Letter Words for Modulate
3 Letter Words for Modulate
Definitions for Modulate
[1] to regulate by or adjust to a certain measure or proportion; soften; tone down.
[2] to alter or adapt (the voice) according to the circumstances, one's listener, etc.
[3] Music . to attune to a certain pitch or key. to vary the volume of (tone).
[4] Telecommunications . to cause the amplitude, frequency, phase, or intensity of (a carrier wave) to vary in accordance with a sound wave or other signal, the frequency of the signal wave usually being very much lower than that of the carrier.
[5] Telecommunications . to modulate a carrier wave. Citizens Band Radio Slang . to talk; visit: Enjoyed modulating with you.
[6] Music . to pass from one key to another: to modulate abruptly from A to B flat.
[7] (tr) to change the tone, pitch, or volume of
[8] (tr) to adjust or regulate the degree of
[9] music to subject to or undergo modulation in music (often foll by to) to make or become in tune (with a pitch, key, etc)
[10] (tr) physics electronics to cause to vary by a process of modulation
Words related to Modulate
inflect, balance, tone, tweak, fine-tune, vary, revamp, switch, restrain, transmogrify, attune, regulate, temper, tune
Words nearby Modulate
mods, modular, modular arithmetic, modularity, modularize, modulate, modulation, modulator, module, modulo, modulus
Origin of Modulate
1550–60; < Latin modulātus (past participle of modulārī to regulate (sounds), set to music, play an instrument). See module, -ate1
Other words from Modulate
mod·u·la·bil·i·ty [moj-uh -luh -bil -i-tee] /ˌmɒdʒ ə ləˈbɪl ɪ ti/ , noun
mod·u·la·tive , mod·u·la·to·ry [moj -uh -luh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /ˈmɒdʒ ə ləˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
re·mod·u·late , verb (used with object), re·mod·u·lat·ed, re·mod·u·lat·ing.
un·mod·u·lat·ed , adjective
un·mod·u·la·tive , adjective
well-mod·u·lat·ed , adjective
Word origin for Modulate
C16: from Latin modulātus in due measure, melodious, from modulārī to regulate, from modus measure
Synonyms for Modulate
inflect, attune, balance, fine-tune, regulate, restrain, revamp, switch, temper, tone, transmogrify, tune, tweak, vary