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Showing words for MODULATED using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Modulated


8 Letter Words for Modulated


7 Letter Words for Modulated

aldomet, leadout, luteoma, modulet, outlead

6 Letter Words for Modulated

almude, amulet, autoed, dauted, doated, dodlet, doudle, douted, lauded, loaded, loadum, loamed, louted, maddle, malted, maudle, mauled, medula, moated, modula, module, molded, molted, muddle, muleta, outadd, outled, talmud, toddle, ulmate, umload

5 Letter Words for Modulated

addle, adlet, adult, aleut, almud, aloed, aloud, alout, amelu, amlet, amole, atelo, atole, atule, autem, daled, dalet, dated, datum, dault, dealt, dedal, delta, demal, demot, deota, doled, dolma, domal, domed, dotal, doted, doula, douma, duole, laded, lamed, lated, laude, laudo, ledum, leuma, lomed, lomta, lutea, luted, luteo, maleo, malto, mated, matlo, meaul, medal, metad, metal, metol, modal, model, molet, moted, motel, moued, moule, mudde, muled, mulet, multo, muted, odeum, oleum, outed, taled, tamed, tauld, todde, todea, toled, tould, tudel, ulema

4 Letter Words for Modulated

adet, adod, aldm, alem, alme, alod, aloe, alto, alum, amdt, amel, ated, atle, atmo, atom, aute, auto, dade, dado, dale, dalo, dalt, dame, date, dato, daud, daut, dead, deal, deda, dedo, delt, demo, detd, deul, dmod, doat, dola, dole, dolt, dome, dote, doua, doum, dout, duad, dual, dude, dued, duel, duet, dule, dult, duma, edam, edda, eddo, elod, emda, etua, euda, lade, laet, lame, late, laud, lead, leam, leat, leda, leto, leud, load, loam, lode, loed, loma, lome, lota, lote, loud, lout, lude, ludo, lute, made, mado, maed, male, malo, malt, mate, maud, maul, maut, mead, meal, meat, mela, meld, melt, meta, moat, mode, moed, moet, mola, mold, mole, molt, mota, mote, motu, moud, moue, moul, mout, mudd, mule, mult, muta, mute, odal, odea, odel, odum, olam, olea, ould, outa, tade, taed, tael, tald, tale, tame, taum, tead, teal, team, tela, teld, toad, toda, tode, toea, toed, tola, told, tole, tolu, tome, tula, tule, tume, udal, udom, ulmo, ulta, ulto

3 Letter Words for Modulated

add, ade, adm, ado, ald, ale, alo, alt, ame, amt, amu, ate, atm, aud, aul, aum, dad, dae, dal, dam, dao, dat, dau, ddt, dea, ded, del, dem, det, dle, dmd, doa, dod, doe, dol, dom, dot, dtd, dud, due, dum, duo, ead, eam, eat, eau, edd, edo, ela, eld, elm, elt, emo, emu, eom, eta, lad, lam, lao, lat, lea, led, lem, leo, let, leu, loa, lod, loe, lot, ltd, ltm, lud, lue, lum, luo, lut, mad, mae, mal, mao, mat, mau, mea, med, mel, met, meu, moa, mod, moe, mol, mot, mou, mtd, mud, mut, oad, oam, oat, oda, odd, ode, ola, old, ole, olm, oud, out, tad, tal, tam, tao, tau, tea, ted, tel, tem, tlo, toa, tod, toe, tol, tom, tou, tua, tue, tum, udo, ula, ule, ult, uma, ume, uta, ute

Definitions for Modulated

[1] to regulate by or adjust to a certain measure or proportion; soften; tone down.
[2] to alter or adapt (the voice) according to the circumstances, one's listener, etc.
[3] Music . to attune to a certain pitch or key. to vary the volume of (tone).
[4] Telecommunications . to cause the amplitude, frequency, phase, or intensity of (a carrier wave) to vary in accordance with a sound wave or other signal, the frequency of the signal wave usually being very much lower than that of the carrier.
[5] Telecommunications . to modulate a carrier wave. Citizens Band Radio Slang . to talk; visit: Enjoyed modulating with you.
[6] Music . to pass from one key to another: to modulate abruptly from A to B flat.
[7] (tr) to change the tone, pitch, or volume of
[8] (tr) to adjust or regulate the degree of
[9] music to subject to or undergo modulation in music (often foll by to) to make or become in tune (with a pitch, key, etc)
[10] (tr) physics electronics to cause to vary by a process of modulation

Words related to Modulated

modulateinflect, balance, tone, tweak, fine-tune, vary, revamp, switch, restrain, transmogrify, attune, regulate, temper, tune

Words nearby Modulated

modulatemods, modular, modular arithmetic, modularity, modularize, modulate, modulation, modulator, module, modulo, modulus

Origin of Modulated

1550–60; < Latin modulātus (past participle of modulārī to regulate (sounds), set to music, play an instrument). See module, -ate1

Other words from Modulated

mod·u·la·bil·i·ty [moj-uh -luh -bil -i-tee] /ˌmɒdʒ ə ləˈbɪl ɪ ti/ , noun
mod·u·la·tive , mod·u·la·to·ry [moj -uh -luh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /ˈmɒdʒ ə ləˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
re·mod·u·late , verb (used with object), re·mod·u·lat·ed, re·mod·u·lat·ing.
un·mod·u·lat·ed , adjective
un·mod·u·la·tive , adjective
well-mod·u·lat·ed , adjective

Word origin for Modulated

C16: from Latin modulātus in due measure, melodious, from modulārī to regulate, from modus measure

Synonyms for Modulated

inflect, attune, balance, fine-tune, regulate, restrain, revamp, switch, temper, tone, transmogrify, tune, tweak, vary