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Showing words for MOLTEN using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Molten
[1] a past participle of melt1.
[2] liquefied by heat; in a state of fusion; melted: molten lead.
[3] produced by melting and casting: a molten image.
[4] to become liquefied by warmth or heat, as ice, snow, butter, or metal.
[5] to become liquid; dissolve: Let the cough drop melt in your mouth.
[6] to pass, dwindle, or fade gradually (often followed by away ): His fortune slowly melted away.
[7] to pass, change, or blend gradually (often followed by into ): Night melted into day.
[8] to become softened in feeling by pity, sympathy, love, or the like: The tyrant's heart would not melt.
[9] Obsolete . to be subdued or overwhelmed by sorrow, dismay, etc.
[10] to reduce to a liquid state by warmth or heat; fuse: Fire melts ice.
[11] to cause to pass away or fade.
[12] to cause to pass, change, or blend gradually.
[13] to soften in feeling, as a person or the heart.
[14] the act or process of melting; state of being melted.
[15] something that is melted.
[16] a quantity melted at one time.
[17] a sandwich or other dish topped with melted cheese: a tuna melt.
[18] liquefied; melted molten lead
[19] made by having been melted molten casts
[20] the past participle of melt
[21] to liquefy (a solid) or (of a solid) to become liquefied, as a result of the action of heat
[22] to become or make liquid; dissolve cakes that melt in the mouth
[23] (often foll by away) to disappear; fade
[24] (foll by down) to melt (metal scrap) for reuse
[25] (often foll by into) to blend or cause to blend gradually
[26] to make or become emotional or sentimental; soften
[27] the act or process of melting
[28] something melted or an amount melted
Words related to Molten
Words nearby Molten
molossian, molotov, molotov cocktail, molotovsk, molt, molten, moltke, molto, moluccas, molvi, moly
Origin of Molten
elt1before 900; Middle English melten, Old English meltan (intransitive), m(i)elten (transitive) to melt, digest; cognate with Old Norse melta to digest, Greek méldein to melt
Words that may be confused with Molten
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, meltevanescence, evaporation, liquefaction, melting, thawing, transpiration, vaporization
Other words from Molten
mol·ten·ly , adverb
su·per·mol·ten , adjective
un·mol·ten , adjective
melt·a·ble , adjective
melt·a·bil·i·ty , noun
melt·ing·ly , adverb
melt·ing·ness , noun
non·melt·a·ble , adjective
non·melt·ing , adjective
un·melt·a·ble , adjective
un·melt·ed , adjective
un·melt·ing , adjective
Word origin for Molten
eltOld English meltan to digest; related to Old Norse melta to malt (beer), digest, Greek meldein to melt