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Showing words for MONK using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Monk
3 Letter Words for Monk
Definitions for Monk
[1] (in Christianity) a man who has withdrawn from the world for religious reasons, especially as a member of an order of cenobites living according to a particular rule and under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
[2] (in any religion) a man who is a member of a monastic order: a Buddhist monk.
[3] Printing . a dark area on a printed page caused by uneven inking of the plate or type. Compare friar(def 2) .
[4] (James) Arthur Art , born 1957, U.S. football player.
[5] The·lo·ni·ous [thuh -loh -nee-uh s] /θəˈloʊ ni əs/ (Sphere), 1917–1982, U.S. jazz pianist and composer.
[6] George. Monck, George.
[7] a male member of a religious community bound by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience Related adjective: monastic
[8] (sometimes capital) a fancy pigeon having a bald pate and often large feathered feet
[9] Thelonious (Sphere ) (θəˈləʊnɪəs). 1920–82, US jazz pianist and composer
[10] a variant spelling of (George) Monck
Words related to Monk
priest, abbot, friar, solitary, cenobite, recluse, brother, ascetic, religious, monastic, hermit, eremite, anchorite
Words nearby Monk
monitor versus merrimack, monitorial, monitory, monitress, moniz, monk, monk seal, monk's cloth, monk's pepper tree, monkery, monkey
Origin of Monk
before 900; Middle English; Old English munuc < Late Latin monachus < Greek monachós hermit, noun use of adj.: solitary, equivalent to món(os ) alone + -achos adj. suffix
Word origin for Monk
Old English munuc, from Late Latin monachus, from Late Greek: solitary (man), from Greek monos alone
Synonyms for Monk
abbot, friar, priest, anchorite, ascetic, brother, cenobite, eremite, hermit, monastic, recluse, religious, solitary