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Showing words for MONOPOLIZE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Monopolize
8 Letter Words for Monopolize
7 Letter Words for Monopolize
6 Letter Words for Monopolize
5 Letter Words for Monopolize
4 Letter Words for Monopolize
3 Letter Words for Monopolize
Definitions for Monopolize
[1] to acquire, have, or exercise a monopoly of.
[2] to obtain exclusive possession of; keep entirely to oneself: Children monopolize one's time.
[3] to have, control, or make use of fully, excluding others
[4] to obtain, maintain, or exploit a monopoly of (a market, commodity, etc)
Words related to Monopolize
exclude, possess, utilize, absorb, engross, use, acquire, consume, devour, hog, patent, manage, employ, own, restrain, have, syndicate, corner, hold, copyright
Words nearby Monopolize
monopolar cautery, monopole, monopolism, monopolist, monopolistic competition, monopolize, monopoly, monopolylogue, monopropellant, monoprotic, monopsony
Origin of Monopolize
First recorded in 1605–15; monopol(y) + -ize
Other words from Monopolize
mo·nop·o·li·za·tion , noun
mo·nop·o·liz·er , noun
an·ti·mo·nop·o·li·za·tion , adjective
o·ver·mo·nop·o·lize , verb (used with object), o·ver·mo·nop·o·lized, o·ver·mo·nop·o·liz·ing.
pre·mo·nop·o·lize , verb (used with object), pre·mo·nop·o·lized, pre·mo·nop·o·liz·ing.
un·mo·nop·o·lized , adjective
un·mo·nop·o·liz·ing , adjective
Synonyms for Monopolize
absorb, exclude, possess, take over, utilize, acquire, consume, copyright, corner, devour, employ, engross, have, hog, hold, manage, own, patent, restrain, syndicate, use, bogart, corner the market, exercise control, keep to oneself, lock up, own exclusively, sew up, sit on, take up