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Showing words for MONOTONOUS using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Monotonous
7 Letter Words for Monotonous
6 Letter Words for Monotonous
5 Letter Words for Monotonous
4 Letter Words for Monotonous
3 Letter Words for Monotonous
Definitions for Monotonous
[1] lacking in variety; tediously unvarying: the monotonous flat scenery.
[2] characterizing a sound continuing on one note.
[3] having very little inflection; limited to a narrow pitch range.
[4] dull and tedious, esp because of repetition
[5] unvarying in pitch or cadence
Words related to Monotonous
tedious, repetitious, boring, repetitive, dreary, humdrum, tiresome, dull, ho-hum, plodding, blah, colorless, flat, nothing, pedestrian, prosaic, recurrent, soporific, unchanged, unchanging
Words nearby Monotonous
monotocous, monotonal, monotone, monotonic, monotonize, monotonous, monotony, monotrematous, monotreme, monotrichate, monotrichous
Origin of Monotonous
From the Late Greek word monótonos, dating back to 1770–80. See mono-, tone, -ous
Words that may be confused with Monotonous
Other words from Monotonous
mo·not·o·nous·ly , adverb
mo·not·o·nous·ness , noun
un·mo·not·o·nous , adjective
un·mo·not·o·nous·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Monotonous
boring, dreary, dull, ho-hum, humdrum, plodding, repetitious, repetitive, tedious, tiresome, banausic, blah, colorless, droning, dull as dishwater, flat, flat as pancake, monotone, nothing, pedestrian, prosaic, puts one to sleep, recurrent, reiterated, samely, sing-song, soporific, toneless, treadmill, unchanged, unchanging, uniform, uninflected, uninteresting, unrelieved, unvaried, unvarying, wearisome, wearying