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Showing words for MONUMENTAL using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Monumental


8 Letter Words for Monumental

lomentum, momental, monument, nonmetal, noumenal, unmantle, unmental, unmolten

7 Letter Words for Monumental

almuten, amentum, annulet, automen, emulant, lomenta, luteoma, maltmen, mamelon, momenta, montane, moulten, muleman, nauntle, nonmeat, notaeum, noteman, noumena, nutmeal, oltunna, omental, omentum, outlean, outname, telamon, tonneau, unalone, unmeant

6 Letter Words for Monumental

altoun, alumen, amount, amtmen, amulet, annule, eluant, etalon, lament, lantum, latoun, lemmon, loment, lunate, manent, manlet, mannet, mantel, mantle, manton, maumet, melano, melton, memnon, mennom, mental, mentum, mnemon, molman, molmen, molten, moment, monaul, montem, moutan, muleta, nantle, netman, nomnem, noumea, nounal, nunlet, omenta, outman, outmen, tolane, tolmen, tummel, tunnel, ulmate, unlame, unlean, unlent, unmate, unmelt, unname, unneat, untame, unteam, untone

5 Letter Words for Monumental

alenu, aleut, almon, alone, alout, altun, amelu, ament, amlet, ammon, amole, anent, anlet, annet, annot, annul, annum, anole, antum, atelo, atole, atone, atule, atune, autem, ental, entom, lanum, laten, laton, leman, lemma, lemna, lemon, lento, leuma, lomta, lotan, lumen, lumma, lumme, lunet, lutea, luteo, maleo, malmo, malto, malum, manet, manto, manul, matlo, meant, meaul, melam, melon, menat, menta, mento, metal, metol, molet, monal, monel, monte, motel, moten, moule, mount, mulet, multo, muton, nammo, nammu, nanmu, naunt, nenta, neuma, nomen, nonet, notal, notan, notum, noule, numen, oaten, olena, olent, oleum, ontal, outen, talon, tauon, teman, tenla, tenno, tennu, tenon, tmema, tolan, toman, tonal, tonne, tunal, tunna, ulema, ulnae, unamo, unlet, unman, unmet, unnet

4 Letter Words for Monumental

alem, alen, alme, aloe, alto, alum, amel, amen, ammo, ammu, amon, anet, anne, anno, anon, ante, antu, atle, atmo, atom, aune, aunt, aute, auto, elan, emma, enam, enol, ento, eoan, etna, eton, etua, laen, laet, lame, lamm, lane, lant, late, laun, leam, lean, leat, lena, leno, lent, leon, leto, loam, loan, loma, lome, lone, lota, lote, loun, lout, luna, lune, lunn, lunt, lute, male, malm, malo, malt, mamo, mane, mano, mant, mate, maul, maun, maut, meal, mean, meat, mela, melt, memo, meno, ment, menu, meta, meum, mnem, moan, moat, moet, mola, mole, molt, mome, mona, mone, mont, mota, mote, motu, moue, moul, moun, mout, mule, mulm, mult, mume, munt, muon, muta, mute, nael, nale, name, nane, nant, natl, nato, natu, naut, neal, neat, nema, nemn, nemo, neon, neum, neut, noel, nole, nolt, noma, nome, nona, none, nota, note, noul, noun, nout, olam, olea, oman, omen, outa, tael, taen, tale, tame, tane, taum, taun, teal, team, tean, tela, toea, tola, tole, tolu, tome, tone, tonn, toun, tuan, tula, tule, tume, tuna, tune, tuno, ulan, ulmo, ulna, ulta, ulto, umma, unal, unta, unto

3 Letter Words for Monumental

ale, aln, alo, alt, ame, amt, amu, ane, ann, ant, anu, ate, atm, aul, aum, eam, ean, eat, eau, ela, elm, elt, emo, emu, enl, eom, eon, eta, lam, lan, lao, lat, lea, lem, leo, let, leu, loa, loe, lot, ltm, lue, lum, luo, lut, mae, mal, mam, man, mao, mat, mau, mea, mel, mem, men, met, meu, mna, moa, moe, mol, mom, mon, mot, mou, mtn, mum, mun, mut, nae, nam, nat, nea, neo, net, nne, noa, nol, nom, non, not, nul, num, nun, nut, oam, oat, ola, ole, olm, ona, one, ont, out, tal, tam, tan, tao, tau, tea, tel, tem, ten, tln, tlo, toa, toe, tol, tom, ton, tou, tua, tue, tum, tun, ula, ule, ult, uma, ume, umm, una, unl, unn, uta, ute

Definitions for Monumental

[1] resembling a monument; massive or imposing.
[2] exceptionally great, as in quantity, quality, extent, or degree: a monumental work.
[3] of historical or enduring significance: a monumental victory.
[4] Fine Arts . having the quality of being larger than life; of heroic scale.
[5] of or relating to a monument or monuments.
[6] serving as a monument.
[7] like a monument, esp in large size, endurance, or importance a monumental work of art
[8] of, relating to, or being a monument
[9] informal (intensifier) monumental stupidity

Words related to Monumental

huge, enormous, fantastic, enduring, towering, tremendous, awesome, great, immense, historic, mammoth, massive, significant, grand, memorable, gigantic, vast, unforgettable, awe-inspiring, classic

Words nearby Monumental

montrose, montserrat, montville, monty python, monument, monumental, monumentalize, monuron, mony, monza, monzambano

Origin of Monumental

From the Late Latin word monumentālis, dating back to 1595–1605. See monument, -al1

Other words from Monumental

mon·u·men·tal·ism , noun
mon·u·men·tal·i·ty , noun
mon·u·men·tal·ly , adverb
pre·mon·u·men·tal , adjective
un·mon·u·men·tal , adjective

Synonyms for Monumental

awesome, enduring, enormous, fantastic, gigantic, grand, great, historic, huge, immense, mammoth, massive, memorable, significant, towering, tremendous, unforgettable, vast, awe-inspiring, classic, immortal, important, lasting, lofty, majestic, mighty, mortal, mountainous, outstanding, prodigious, stupendous