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Showing words for MOONED using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Mooned
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3 Letter Words for Mooned
Definitions for Mooned
[1] ornamented with moons or crescents.
[2] orb- or crescent-shaped.
[3] the earth's natural satellite, orbiting the earth at a mean distance of 238,857 miles (384,393 km) and having a diameter of 2160 miles (3476 km).
[4] this body during a particular lunar month, or during a certain period of time, or at a certain point of time, regarded as a distinct object or entity. Compare full moon, half-moon, new moon, waning moon, waxing moon.
[5] a lunar month, or, in general, a month.
[6] any planetary satellite: the moons of Jupiter.
[7] something shaped like an orb or a crescent.
[8] moonlight.
[9] a platyfish.
[10] Slang . the buttocks, especially when bared.
[11] to act or wander abstractedly or listlessly: You've been mooning about all day.
[12] to sentimentalize or remember nostalgically: He spent the day mooning about his lost love.
[13] to gaze dreamily or sentimentally at something or someone: They sat there mooning into each other's eyes.
[14] Slang . to expose one's buttocks suddenly and publicly as a prank or gesture of disrespect.
[15] to spend (time) idly: to moon the afternoon away.
[16] to illuminate by or align against the moon.
[17] Slang . to expose one's buttocks to as a prank or gesture of disrespect.
[18] decorated with a moon
[19] (sometimes capital) the natural satellite of the earth. Diameter: 3476 km; mass: 7.35 × 10 22 kg; mean distance from earth: 384 400 km; periods of rotation and revolution: 27.32 days Related adjective: lunar
[20] the face of the moon as it is seen during its revolution around the earth, esp at one of its phases new moon ; full moon
[21] any natural satellite of a planet
[22] moonlight; moonshine
[23] something resembling a moon
[24] a month, esp a lunar one
[25] once in a blue moon very seldom
[26] over the moon informal extremely happy; ecstatic
[27] reach for the moon to desire or attempt something unattainable or difficult to obtain
[28] (when tr, often foll by away; when intr, often foll by around ) to be idle in a listless way, as if in love, or to idle (time) away
[29] (intr) slang to expose one's buttocks to passers-by
[30] a system of embossed alphabetical signs for blind readers, the fourteen basic characters of which can, by rotation, mimic most of the letters of the Roman alphabet, thereby making learning easier for those who learned to read before going blind Compare Braille 1
[31] William. 1818–94, British inventor of the Moon writing system in 1847, who, himself blind, taught blind children in Brighton and printed mainly religious works from stereotyped plates of his own designing
Words related to Mooned
satellite, pumpkin, crescent, half-moon, planetoid, daydream, yearn, pine, idle, mope, languish
Words nearby Mooned
moonball, moonbeam, moonbow, mooncalf, moonchild, mooned, mooneye, moonfish, moonflower, moonie, moonish
Origin of Mooned
before 900; Middle English mone, Old English mōna; cognate with Old High German māno, Old Norse māni, Gothic mena; akin to German Mond moon, Latin mēnsis month, Greek mḗnē moon, Sanskrit māsa moon, month
Other words from Mooned
moon·er , noun
moon·less , adjective
Word origin for Mooned
Old English mōna; compare Old Frisian mōna, Old High German māno
Synonyms for Mooned
crescent, half-moon, planetoid, pumpkin, satellite, celestial body, full moon, heavenly body, new moon, old moon, orb of night, quarter-moon