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Showing words for MORONIC using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Moronic
6 Letter Words for Moronic
5 Letter Words for Moronic
4 Letter Words for Moronic
3 Letter Words for Moronic
Definitions for Moronic
[1] Informal . a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment: I wonder why they elected that narrow-minded moron to Congress.
[2] Psychology . (no longer in technical use; now considered offensive) a person of borderline intelligence in a former and discarded classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.
[3] a foolish or stupid person
[4] a person having an intelligence quotient of between 50 and 70, able to work under supervision
Words related to Moronic
moronirresponsible, idiotic, dumb, dopey, foolish, pointless, asinine, brainless, dense, half-baked, ill-advised, inane, ludicrous, mindless, nonsensical, senseless, unintelligent, unthinking, dimwitted, doltish
Words nearby Moronic
moronmoro gulf, moro's reflex, moroccan, morocco, morogoro, moron, moroni, moror, moros, morose, morpeth
Origin of Moronic
1905–10, Americanism ; < Greek mōrón, neuter of mōrós foolish, dull
Other words from Moronic
mo·ron·ic [muh -ron -ik] /məˈrɒn ɪk/ , adjective
mo·ron·i·cal·ly , adverb
mo·ron·ism , mo·ron·i·ty [muh -ron -i-tee] /məˈrɒn ɪ ti/ , noun
mo•ron′ ic (mə-rŏn′ ĭk, mô- ) adj.
mo′ ron′ism null n.
Word origin for Moronic
C20: from Greek mōros foolish
Synonyms for Moronic
dopey, dumb, foolish, idiotic, irresponsible, pointless, asinine, brainless, dense, dimwitted, doltish, half-baked, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, ludicrous, mindless, nonsensical, senseless, unintelligent, unthinking