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Showing words for MORTALLY using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Mortally
7 Letter Words for Mortally
6 Letter Words for Mortally
5 Letter Words for Mortally
4 Letter Words for Mortally
3 Letter Words for Mortally
Definitions for Mortally
[1] subject to death; having a transitory life: all mortal creatures.
[2] of or relating to human beings as subject to death; human: this mortal life.
[3] belonging to this world.
[4] deadly or implacable; relentless: a mortal enemy.
[5] severe, dire, grievous, or bitter: in mortal fear.
[6] causing or liable to cause death; fatal: a mortal wound.
[7] to the death: mortal combat.
[8] of or relating to death: the mortal hour.
[9] involving spiritual death (opposed to venial): mortal sin.
[10] long and wearisome.
[11] extreme; very great: in a mortal hurry.
[12] conceivable; possible: of no mortal value to the owners.
[13] a human being.
[14] the condition of being subject to death.
[15] (of living beings, esp human beings) subject to death
[16] of or involving life or the world
[17] ending in or causing death; fatal a mortal blow
[18] deadly or unrelenting a mortal enemy
[19] of or like the fear of death; dire mortal terror
[20] great or very intense mortal pain
[21] possible there was no mortal reason to go
[22] slang long and tedious for three mortal hours
[23] a mortal being
[24] informal a person a mean mortal
Words related to Mortally
mortalbadly, painfully, seriously, critically, gravely
Words nearby Mortally
mortalmorse taper, morse, samuel f. b., morsel, mort, mortadella, mortal, mortal mind, mortal sin, mortal sin/venial sin, mortality, mortality rate
Origin of Mortally
1325–75; Middle English < Latin mortālis, equivalent to mort- (stem of mors ) death + -ālis -al1
Other words from Mortally
mor·tal·ly , adverb
non·mor·tal , adjective, noun
non·mor·tal·ly , adverb
post·mor·tal , adjective
post·mor·tal·ly , adverb
pre·mor·tal , adjective
pre·mor·tal·ly , adverb
un·mor·tal , adjective
Word origin for Mortally
C14: from Latin mortālis, from mors death