8 Letter Words for Motherly
7 Letter Words for Motherly
helotry, mothery
6 Letter Words for Motherly
erthly, etymol, homely, merlot, methol, methyl, molter, mother, motley, myrtle, myrtol, mythol, termly, theory, thermo, thymol, troely
5 Letter Words for Motherly
emory, ethyl, helot, hemol, holer, holey, holme, homer, homey, horme, hotel, hotly, hoyle, lerot, lethy, lythe, melty, metho, metol, metro, mohel, moler, molet, morel, morth, motel, moter, motey, mothy, moyle, orlet, other, oylet, relot, rhyme, royet, theol, theor, therm, thole, thore, throe, thyme, toher, toyer, tyler, tyrol, yerth, ymolt, yomer
4 Letter Words for Motherly
elmy, eorl, erth, etym, eyot, helm, helo, heml, herl, herm, hero, hert, hery, hoer, hoey, hole, holm, holt, holy, home, hore, hort, hory, hote, htel, html, hyle, hyte, lehr, leto, lome, lore, lory, lote, lyme, lyre, lyte, melt, merl, mero, meth, moet, mohr, mole, molt, moly, more, mort, mote, moth, moyl, myel, myrt, myth, omer, orle, orly, orth, oyer, rely, rheo, rhet, roey, role, rome, rote, rotl, royt, ryme, ryot, tehr, term, them, they, thor, thro, toey, tole, tome, tore, trey, troy, trye, tyer, tyro, yelm, yelt, yeom, yeth, ylem, yore, yote
3 Letter Words for Motherly
elm, elt, emo, eom, ert, eth, ety, eyl, eyr, hel, hem, heo, her, het, hey, hmo, hoe, hol, hom, hor, hot, hoy, hye, lem, leo, ler, let, ley, loe, lor, lot, loy, ltm, ltr, lye, lym, meh, mel, mer, met, mho, moe, mol, mor, mot, moy, oer, ohm, ole, olm, ore, orl, ort, ory, oye, reh, rel, rem, rhe, rho, rhy, rle, rly, roe, rom, rot, rte, rye, tel, tem, ter, the, thm, tho, thy, tlo, tlr, tmh, toe, tol, tom, tor, toy, trm, try, tye, tyr, yeh, yeo, yer, yet, yoe, yom, yor, yot
Definitions for Motherly
[1] pertaining to, characteristic of, or befitting a mother; maternal: motherly solicitude.
[2] like a mother: to take a motherly interest in an orphan.
[3] in the manner of a mother.
[4] of or resembling a mother, esp in warmth, or protectiveness
Words related to Motherly
affectionate, careful, comforting, devoted, fond, gentle, kind, loving, maternal, nurturing, protective, supporting, sympathetic, tender, warm, watchful, caretaking, protecting
Words nearby Motherly
motherhood, mothering, mothering sunday, motherland, motherless, motherly, motherwell, motherwell and wishaw, motherwort, mothproof, mothy
Origin of Motherly
before 1000; Middle English moderly, Old English mōdorlīc. See mother1, -ly
Other words from Motherly
moth·er·li·ness , noun
un·moth·er·ly , adjective
Synonyms for Motherly
affectionate, careful, caretaking, comforting, devoted, fond, gentle, kind, loving, maternal, nurturing, protecting, protective, sheltering, supporting, sympathetic, tender, warm, watchful