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Showing words for MOTIVE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Motive
5 Letter Words for Motive
4 Letter Words for Motive
3 Letter Words for Motive
Definitions for Motive
[1] something that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing, etc.; incentive.
[2] the goal or object of a person's actions: Her motive was revenge.
[3] (in art, literature, and music) a motif.
[4] causing, or tending to cause, motion.
[5] pertaining to motion.
[6] prompting to action.
[7] constituting a motive or motives.
[8] to motivate.
[9] a combining form of motive: automotive.
[10] the reason for a certain course of action, whether conscious or unconscious
[11] a variant of motif (def. 2)
[12] of or causing motion or action a motive force
[13] of or acting as a motive; motivating
[14] to motivate
Words related to Motive
emotion, motivation, impulse, influence, idea, aim, intention, intent, rationale, consideration, passion, feeling, cause, antecedent, incitement, end, basis, thinking, spring, object
Words nearby Motive
motionless, motivate, motivation, motivation research, motivational research, motive, motive power, motivic, motivity, motlanthe, motley
Origin of Motive
1325–75; (adj.) Middle English (< Middle French motif ) < Medieval Latin mōtīvus serving to move, equivalent to Latin mōt(us ) (past participle of movēre to move) + -īvus -ive; (noun) Middle English (< Middle French motif ) < Medieval Latin mōtīvum, noun use of neuter of mōtīvus
Other words from Motive
mo·tive·less , adjective
mo·tive·less·ly , adverb
mo·tive·less·ness , noun
well-mo·tived , adjective
Word origin for Motive
C14: from Old French motif, from Late Latin mōtīvus (adj) moving, from Latin mōtus, past participle of movēre to move
Synonyms for Motive
aim, cause, consideration, emotion, feeling, idea, impulse, influence, intent, intention, motivation, passion, rationale, antecedent, basis, design, determinant, drive, end, grounds, incentive, incitement, inducement, inspiration, mainspring, object, occasion, root, spring, spur, stimulus, thinking