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Showing words for MOUSES using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Mouses
5 Letter Words for Mouses
4 Letter Words for Mouses
3 Letter Words for Mouses
Definitions for Mouses
[1] any of numerous small Old World rodents of the family Muridae, especially of the genus Mus, introduced widely in other parts of the world.
[2] any similar small animal of various rodent and marsupial families.
[3] a quiet, timid person.
[4] Computers . a palm-sized, button-operated pointing device that can be used to move, select, activate, and change items on a computer screen. Compare joystick(def 2) , stylus(def 3) .
[5] Informal . a swelling under the eye, caused by a blow or blows; black eye.
[6] Slang . a girl or woman.
[7] to hunt out, as a cat hunts out mice.
[8] Nautical . to secure with a mousing.
[9] to hunt for or catch mice.
[10] to prowl about, as if in search of something: The burglar moused about for valuables.
[11] to seek or search stealthily or watchfully, as if for prey.
[12] Computers . to use a mouse to move the cursor on a computer screen to any position.
[13] any of numerous small long-tailed rodents of the families Muridae and Cricetidae that are similar to but smaller than rats See also fieldmouse, harvest mouse, house mouse Related adjective: murine
[14] any of various related rodents, such as the jumping mouse
[15] a quiet, timid, or cowardly person
[16] computing a hand-held device used to control the cursor movement and select computing functions without keying
[17] slang a black eye
[18] nautical another word for mousing
[19] to stalk and catch (mice)
[20] (intr) to go about stealthily
[21] (tr) nautical to secure (a hook) with mousing
Words related to Mouses
mousevermin, murine
Words nearby Mouses
mousemourning becomes electra, mourning cloak, mourning dove, mourning iris, mourning warbler, mouse, mouse deer, mouse pad, mouse type, mouse-dun, mouse-ear
Origin of Mouses
before 900; Middle English mous (plural mis ), Old English mūs (plural mȳs ); cognate with German Maus, Old Norse mūs, Latin mūs, Greek mŷs
Words that may be confused with Mouses
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, mousemice, mouses, mouse, mousse
Other words from Mouses
mouse·like , adjective
Word origin for Mouses
Old English mūs; compare Old Saxon mūs, German Maus, Old Norse mūs, Latin mūs, Greek mūs
Synonyms for Mouses
pry, sniff, snoop, busybody, examine, inspect, meddle, mouse, scent, smell