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Showing words for MOUTH using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Mouth
[1] Anatomy , Zoology . the opening through which an animal or human takes in food. the cavity containing the structures used in mastication. the structures enclosing or being within this cavity, considered as a whole.
[2] the masticating and tasting apparatus.
[3] a person or animal dependent on someone for sustenance: another mouth to feed.
[4] the oral opening or cavity considered as the source of vocal utterance.
[5] utterance or expression: to give mouth to one's thoughts.
[6] talk, especially loud, empty, or boastful talk: That man is all mouth.
[7] disrespectful talk or language; back talk; impudence.
[8] a grimace made with the lips.
[9] an opening leading out of or into any cavity or hollow place or thing: the mouth of a cave; a bottle's mouth.
[10] the outfall at the lower end of a river or stream, where flowing water is discharged, as into a lake, sea, or ocean: the mouth of the Nile.
[11] the opening between the jaws of a vise or the like.
[12] the lateral hole of an organ pipe.
[13] the lateral blowhole of a flute.
[14] to utter in a sonorous or pompous manner, or with excessive mouth movements: to mouth a speech.
[15] to form (a word, sound, etc.) with the lips without actually making an utterance: She silently mouthed her answer so as not to wake her napping child.
[16] to utter or pronounce softly and indistinctly; mumble: Stop mouthing your words and speak up.
[17] to put or take into the mouth, as food.
[18] to press, rub, or chew at with the mouth or lips: The dog mouthed the toys.
[19] to accustom (a horse) to the use of the bit and bridle.
[20] to speak sonorously and oratorically, or with excessive mouth movement.
[21] to grimace with the lips.
[22] mouth off , Slang . to talk back; sass: He mouthed off to his mother. to express one's opinions, objections, or the like in a forceful or uninhibited manner, especially in public.
[23] down in /at the mouth , Informal . dejected; depressed; disheartened: Ever since he lost his job, he has been looking very down in the mouth.
[24] run off at the mouth , Informal . to talk incessantly or indiscreetly.
[25] talk out of both sides of one's mouth , to make contradictory or untruthful statements.
[26] the opening through which many animals take in food and issue vocal sounds
[27] the system of organs surrounding this opening, including the lips, tongue, teeth, etc
[28] the visible part of the lips on the face Related adjectives: oral, oscular
[29] a person regarded as a consumer of food four mouths to feed
[30] verbal expression (esp in the phrase give mouth to )
[31] a particular manner of speaking a foul mouth
[32] informal boastful, rude, or excessive talk he is all mouth
[33] the point where a river issues into a sea or lake
[34] the opening of a container, such as a jar
[35] the opening of or place leading into a cave, tunnel, volcano, etc
[36] that part of the inner lip of a horse on which the bit acts, esp when specified as to sensitivity a hard mouth
[37] music the narrow slit in an organ pipe
[38] the opening between the jaws of a vice or other gripping device
[39] a pout; grimace
[40] by word of mouth orally rather than by written means
[41] down in the mouth or down at the mouth in low spirits
[42] have a big mouth or open one's big mouth informal to speak indiscreetly, loudly, or excessively
[43] keep one's mouth shut to keep a secret
[44] put one's money where one's mouth is to take appropriate action to support what one has said
[45] put words into someone's mouth to represent, often inaccurately, what someone has said to tell someone what to say
[46] run off at the mouth informal to talk incessantly, esp about unimportant matters
[47] to speak or say (something) insincerely, esp in public
[48] (tr) to form (words) with movements of the lips but without speaking
[49] (tr) to accustom (a horse) to wearing a bit
[50] (tr) to take (something) into the mouth or to move (something) around inside the mouth
[51] (intr usually foll by at ) to make a grimace
Words related to Mouth
box, entrance, door, cavity, rim, gate, cheek, lip, orifice, funnel, clam, inlet, estuary, kisser, yap, gob, crevice, harbor, mush, portal
Words nearby Mouth
moustache, moustache cup, mousterian, mousy, mout, mouth, mouth harp, mouth off, mouth organ, mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
Origin of Mouth
before 900; Middle English; Old English mūth; cognate with German Mund, Old Norse munnr
Other words from Mouth
mouth·er , noun
mouth·less , adjective
out·mouth , verb (used with object)
Word origin for Mouth
Old English mūth; compare Old Norse muthr, Gothic munths, Dutch mond
Synonyms for Mouth
box, cavity, door, entrance, gate, rim, aperture, beak, chops, clam, crevice, delta, estuary, firth, funnel, gills, gob, harbor, inlet, jaws, kisser, lips, mush, orifice, portal, trap, yap, embouchement, fly trap